Malfoy Manor.

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Hermione’s POV

I woke up in a dark room. Where am I? I tried to move my hand, but I couldn't. "What the?" I said as I looked down seeing that I was strapped in a chair. Behind me a door opened, I heard footsteps walking towards me. "Ron?" I said as I just made out his face in the dark room. "Why am I here?" I asked, ouch my head hurt.

I looked around the room seeing a table and a chair. "Your here because I brought you here." He gave me an evil grin. "Where's here exactly?" I asked getting shivers down my back. This place looked oddly familiar, and then it all clicked into place.

"The Malfoy Manor" I whispered. Ron chuckled. "Very smart Hermione" he walked behind me and started kissing my neck.

This felt so wrong so when I tried to pull away he placed a hand on my neck holding it into place. "B...but wwwhy?" I stumbled out over my tears that were trying to get out. He moved to my cheek now. "Well ever since I got that letter from my Mother, I have been doing some soul searching and it is that I'm sick of always playing the good guy so that's why I paid pansy to kiss Draco just as you walked in to think he was cheating on you, it was hard though he's loyal as a dog. Never thought that would happen. The death eaters have been watching me and asked me if I wanted to join. “He returned to kissing my cheek and turned my head and forcefully pushed my lips into his.” Come on M'ione, I can't do all of this by myself!" He said and sat on my lap and started playing with my hair. "So you said yes?" I asked. He didn't reply he just pulled down his sleeve revealing the dark mark.

I gasped. No not Ron. Not after everything we have been though to bet them. I shook my head and refused to play along with is game. Eventually he gave up and left me alone in the dark room, I sent out a silent plea to Draco for him to find me.

Do you think Draco finds her in time? Or will Hermione give up and chose the dark side? You’ll find out soon :)


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