Chapter 1

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3rd person P.O.V

Four children are gathered in an office, about to receive some life changing news. "I'm sorry to announce that L has died." the shocking news effects each child differently, a young boy with a blonde bob slams the desk in fury, another boy with messy (h/c) hair and glasses begins to cry. Tears trickling down his cheeks as he rubs his eyes with the sleeves of his jumper. The only girl in the room just stands there, wide-eyed in complete and utter shock. However, the final child seems completely unaffected, he just carries on with his jigsaw as if nothing has happened.

"Diamond, Heart. You may leave." the man at the desk says in a soft tone as this situation is delicate. With a slight nod, they both leave comforting one another. "Don't cry Lucas." (y/n) says, taking the sleeve of her jumper and wiping his tear stained cheeks, a sad smile on her face. The boy throws his arms around his twins neck and quietly sobs into her shoulder. "Hey, at least we're in the running to be his successors. All four of us. Together." the (h/c) haired girl looks over her shoulder towards the closed oak door that seals them from the conversation taking place inside. "Wait." she says, frustrated, as she marches up to the door and pushes her ear up against it, concentrating to catch a word of the conversation.





'Diamond' recites each word she hears to her brother, snapping the pieces of the puzzle together. "They've kicked us out of the race!" she whisper yells to her brother who is nibbling on the cuff of his jumper. "Lucas. Stop chewing that. If your hungry go get some food." (y/n) says, rolling her eyes at him "I could say the same thing for you and that knife! You could hurt yourself!" Lucas replies, fixing his glasses.

His twin grabs the knife out of her pocket and flicks it up. "Look. Can't feel it." she says, pushing her thumb on the point then lowers her arm and begins flicking it up and down again. Mumbling and cursing, she walks away from the door in a huff, "How could they do this to us?! We're number three for goodness sake! Why have they taken us out of the running?!" annoyed she throws her knife at the wall, sticking into the wall perfectly, causing her brother to yelp. "Please calm down (y/n). It's all okay! I'm here for you! I'll protect you!" 'Heart' brings her into a tight hug, stroking her hair. "I don't need protecting Lucas!" (y/n) protests, pushing him away with a huff.

"I'm getting the others. We're getting away from here."

Later on...

"Come on Samantha! Stop being stupid! You know there's no point in us being here if we're no longer in the running!" (y/n) tries to persuade Sam whilst shoving her few belongings in a carrier bag. Sam sitting on her bed, tracing notes on her cheek whilst humming to herself. "I'm not the one being stupid (y/n). You're 12! You can't just run away! Where would you go?!" the girls voice soft, as she looks towards her friend with pleading eyes. The older girl hesitates for a second, thinking of an excuse. "I-I don't know. But, you know what, with all our skills, we can handle it." determination and anger filling her, she grabs a fist-full of clothing and shoves it in the bag.

"The rest of us are going. Your choice whether or not you come with."

Striding down the corridor to the dorm her brother and best friend share, she calls out their names. "Club! Heart! You ready?" "Ready for what?" a monotone voice speaks from a doorway near by. "None of your business Near." she replies bluntly, stopping at looking at the boy from the corner of her eye.

Near stands in the doorway, leaning against the frame. His clothes like pajamas, hair like a mop on his head, twirling the dice in his palm. "You're running away." He says in his usual tone, "Why?" with an annoyed sigh (y/n) replies "Why don't you tell me, since YOU'RE the successor to L!" 'Diamond' has now turned round to face him properly, shooting an evil glare his way. "Is there a problem?" Mello asks, appearing around the corner. "Ugh!" the girl huffs spinning on her heel so her back faces the boys, "Goodbye Near. And good luck Mello." And with that she sprints to her twins room.

Samantha, Lucas and Xander are already stood there, waiting. "Come on guys. Let's go before anyone sees us."

Present time.

"That was six years ago. Now 'The Deck' has lost a member. Samantha. She vanished a year ago, the same time the killings started. Now their life isn't all that simple, the twins 18 and Xander 20. They work in a store together, solving crimes on the side. Who would have guessed they would be the prime suspects in the newest case."

"Okay. Bye." (y/n) says, hanging up the phone. "Who was that?" Lucas asks, lying on his back on the couch, nibbling the hem of his jumper. "Xander." she replies, flopping on top of him whilst grabbing a slice of pizza off the coffee table. "He's been contacted by one of our old competition. Near." Sitting up quick, knocking his twin off his stomach making her yelp as she falls on the floor, Lucas exclaims "Near?!"

Rubbing her head, she sits up on the floor. "Yeah. About the new murders." speaking in a comical yet jealous fashion, (y/n) continues, "The great successor of L needs our help!" she laughs, her mouth full of pizza.

"When does he need us?" Lucas questions, again nibbling on his cuff. "What does it matter. We're not going. He needs our help, doesn't mean we need his." the girl says, pulling her brother's cuff out of his mouth and shoving a slice of pizza in to replace it. "Therefore, that officially makes US better than HIM!" she finishes, a smug smile dancing on her face.

After thinking for a minute or so, Lucas speaks up "I think we should go. You know, it would be helpful to share info and he must have way better facilities than we do." "Lucas, our best friend is a computer hacker. I don't think he needs the best tech in the world to crack a couple codes and a case. Can't we just enjoy the glory of being better than Near for a little while?" With a sigh, the male twin gives in. "Fine, I will let you boast a bit, IF you promise to come with me and Xander tomorrow. And no using the excuse 'I have work' because we're quitting our jobs."

"Okaaayyyy. It's a deal. But right now, I'm going to bed! Na night baby bro!" Lucas pouts and folds his arms "You're only two minutes older than me!" he complains flicking his own nose. "Ow! Not fair!" his twin whines, rubbing her nose. "Besides. It still counts!"

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