Chapter 5

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Your P.O.V

"Well, it looks like you haven't got much to go on yet. How long have you been working on this case Matt?" I ask, completely ignoring the white haired and the blonde boys crouched next to my many monitors. "Well, since it began. So what's that? About a year?! To be fair the clues have been hard to find." the game boy responds with a cigarette between his lips not removing his eyes from the small screen of the DS in his hands.

'About the same time Sam went missing. Is this a coincidence or is she greatly connected within this whole case?' my head aches from the thought of my best friend being involved in such an unfortunate series of events. She was so innocent. "Sam." I hear Lucas whisper from just behind my head which sends a sharp pain right through my chest, he misses her too.

"Huehuehuehue! Humans sure are strange. Such little things trigger emotions." I glare at the Shinigami, lollipop still between my lips. Glancing over, I notice MarshMello doing the same. "You both do realise you look crazy as most of us have no idea what you're reacting to." Matt comments casually, flicking the bud of his cigarette across the room. "Oh. I guess you expect me to allow you to see him..." I tap a finger against my chin, a classic thinking pose. "Well Matt." I take my knife from my pocket, flicking it to reveal the blade. Giggling a little and tying a piece of string securely to the handle of my 'toy', I speak "Just don't s**t yourself." tossing the knife, with the most precise aim, to a chocolate bar Mello must have left on the side. The blade lands in it perfectly, so I quickly wind the string back in, giving me access to the tasty treat. "You need to stop leaving these around blondey." I mock, unwrapping the bar and biting a chunk from it.

"*clears throat* Erm. Sis." Lucas grabs my attention, I turn to him with my eyes wide, I respond with a simple hum. "The creature..." quickly swallowing the chocolate I let out a slight giggle. "Oops." I shrug, reaching down the side of my seat, retrieving my 'oh-so-precious' backpack. I admire my bag for a moment. The dark background with many-colours in a galaxy pattern, it's very pleasing to the eye and calming to look at.

Unzipping the zip, I gaze upon the Death Note inside. Taking it out, I grip the black book, stroking the front slightly as I think of the power this book actually poses. 'The power over life or death. The power to manipulate one's actions. Too much for any human alone.' I tell myself in my mind, reminding myself of the great responsibility I now have. Taking a deep breath, I stroll over to Lucas; of course he has to be first, he is my twin after all.

"All you have to do... Is touch it." I state, moving my eyes from the book, to his shining (e/c) eyes which are overflowing with curiosity. "Just don't s**t yourself." I chuckle "Ryuk isn't what we would call 'eye-candy'." smirking I stretch my arms out slightly, allowing Lucas to come in contact with the paper. "Where is i-GAH! Spoke too soon." my twin yelps, dropping his glasses on the floor in the panic. "Huehuehuehue" The Shinigami chuckles from behind the boy; Lucas was jump-scared by a Shinigami. "Got ya!" I smile, throwing an apple to Ryuk, our plan worked.

Flash back to the night of the phone call...

"Well Ryuk, you know what this means. They will find out about the Death Note, one way or another as it was the 'weapon of mass destruction' used in their previous HUGE case, so I doubt they will be taking any chances this time. So, either, Near will accuse one of us of having one and have us searched as we enter, or Mello will route through my bag as he isn't shy. If I'm honest, I hope it's the second option. That way I can decide when to allow them to see you." sitting crossed-legged under my quilt, I take an apple off my bedside table and a handful of random sweets from the bowl next to it.

Tossing the apple in a teasing way, I look to Ryuk "If you manage to prank my brother and 'jump-scare' him... There will be many more of these treats for you." shoving a sweet in my mouth, I speak before I drop the next sweet in, "Well, that's if I decide to take it with me... I mean, wouldn't it be more fun with you staying a secret? Us two against the world! Okay, remind me to never say that again." chewing the treats in my mouth, I gulp them down and conclude my thinking, "But, then again... Who knows when I will have to use it?"

Back to present

"Okay, one down. Who's next?" I announce, handing the book over to Lucas, allowing him to take over the job as I leap back to my seat, analyzing all the evidence they have gathered. "So, you only have the clues and leads we already knew. See, you don't need some fancy tech to gather info, you just need three great minds and one of them to be Xander." I gesture over to the strawberry blonde boy who is cleaning his hands once again after touching the book, staring at the Shinigami in amazement. Shaking my head slightly, I turn back to Near who is refusing to even look at me, instead he looks to the ground.

"So," I raise my voice, whilst standing up and clapping my hands together. Straightening my jumper and shirt underneath, I see that everyone has made contact with the book, therefore everyone in the room can see Ryuk. That's that out of the way at least. "From the evidence Club, Heart and I have collected, we have concluded that...

1. All the victims have a link to Wammy's House and other organisations linked with smart children.

2. Each murder was carried out using a weapon; none by hand. However, each time, a different weapon has been used.

3. Each victim has four symbols carved into their right arm, those of a heart, club, spade and diamond. And by the deepness, sharpness of each cut and how big each symbol is, only a sharpened pocket knife can cast such markings on human skin.

4. As the killings go on, each is becoming more and more elaborate, as if there is going to be a big finale for everyone to see. And sadly, my guess is. It will be one of you two Near and Mello. Matt you're okay don't worry. However, not the other two. Both of you were the people everyone was jealous of, the one everyone secretly or openly hated. So watch your backs or you may end up like L.

5. And finally, you look as if you are currently on the way to finding the link between the times of death. To save you time, I'll just tell you. Each victim has been murdered at the same time they were born, and found exactly an hour afterwards. So, from this we can see that the killer either has a lot of time on their hands and does their research, or, knew each victim personally. Our guess is the second option.

However, you missed one vital clue. Well, I say missed but I guess you wouldn't have access to this clue if you stuck by the law. So, Club Heart and I dug deeper into the route of the other victims, not the ones from Wammy's House, and it seems as if these humans are older, about mid to late twenties, with many more connections than the ones from the orphanage. Of course the ones from Wammy's were the 'bad kids', the rivals, the 'using their gift for evil' kind. However, these older victims had matching IQ's to those at Wammy's, yet it seems as if they weren't being trained, so to say, or even cared for and allowing their skills to blossom, no. They seem to be kidnapping and murdering people, who have smarter children. Allowing them to be taken into care by different organisations, and their skills perfected. Therefore, we can determine that this time, it's personal and not for the greater good - which we all know doesn't really end well, as proven by the previous Kira case - When it's personal, the killer is deemed more dangerous as it may be harder to determine the next victim, unless we know who the murderer is, so then we can figure out who the next one shall be."

Concluding my extended speech, I take a deep breath, relaxing my shoulders and sitting back in my seat, grabbing a lollipop and eating it as a reward. 'Damn I'm proud. That was a good show (y/n). Really showed Near what you can do.' I smirk to myself. Turning around slightly to face the sheep boy, I grin at him with my sweet still between my lips. "Got all that?"

"Yes." he replies in that monotone voice of his, "Not often I compliment, but dare I say, those deductions were... Excellent,  Diamond." Near speaks, twirling a lock of his silky hair around his delicate finger, casting his gaze to the tower of dice that has now formed infront of him whilst I was performing my deductions. "O-Oh... E-Er... T-Thanks Near." heat rises to my cheeks, making my eyes grow wide and my hands cover my cheeks, like it's a natural instinct. "You look like a tomato." someone teases from just behind me, of course it has to be the annoying gamer kid who can't seem to mind his own business. "Hmph." I huff at him, turning around to the computer once more.

"Lets hurry up and crack this case."

Sorry for the late update guys!
I hope you enjoyed this chapter anyways!
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2017 ⏰

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