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"His name was Sam. Four years younger than me and a whole damn life in front of him. He was going to law school, the lil bastard." Dean smiled at himself.

"He lived in the same city as me, and we would pass by each other every so often. I would be in the fire truck, he would be in some ratty car filled with books."

"At the time, Sam was dating this girl named Jess. Before, he was dating a girl named Ruby and damn when I say she was bad news, I mean it. She got him into all kinds of shit, heroine, marijuana, you name it. Jess in a way, was his savior. They met in law school, and I guess they fell in love."

Dean heaved another sigh.

"She helped him set his life straight and after that Sammy dumped Ruby. She wasn't too happy about it. Ruby threatened to kill Jess many times, and even threatened Sam."

"But.. Um... One night, Sam and Jess were in their apartment and Ruby was drunk off her ass. She still had the keys to his apartment and walked in, pouring gasoline all over the place. Sam woke up and tried to get her out, and even called me to help, but I guess he was too late. By the time I got there, the whole place was burning."

Dean stopped and looked down for a minute.

"Dean.. You can stop, you don't have to tell me." Cas said quietly as he rubbed Dean's shoulder. He shook his head before he continued.

"I didn't think. I didn't have my suit on or anything, I was in my damn pajamas. I ran as fast as I could in there. When I walked in, Ruby's flesh was already burned off and she was dead. Fire was everywhere, but when I saw Sammy, I didn't care. I hit into something, but I can't remember... All I remember is finding Sam's limp body. I remember feeling my back burning in pain.... His whole body was burned, and I knew there was no saving him."

"I almost stayed in there. I couldn't find any other way out, and I couldn't live without my Sammy. But I heard Jess screaming and asking for help. So, I eventually found her and we both got out as my team started to run up towards the apartment. They said I looked like a crazed demon that just got out of hell, but I couldn't feel the pain anymore, I couldn't feel a damn thing. All I felt was the pain of losing Sammy."

"Jess and I were in the hospital for weeks, and once both of us were out, we had Sam's funeral.  She's doing fine... One of the best lawyers in the state, the damn kid. Sam and her would have made the best parents..." He said too quietly, almost quiet enough to not be heard.

Cas pulled him into a hug, and he felt Dean's strong arms tug him closer. Dean's shoulders shook as Castiel lightly rubbed his bare, red back.

"I'm sorry." He whispered.

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