Dancing with Aidan - Part 6

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When you awoke, your head was on the cushion you had held so close to you before Aidan's arrival, and your body was covered in a soft, blue blanket. "Aidan?" Your voice came out in a tired croak, wondering if he were still in the flat with you. You sat up and looked around, not seeing him anywhere. You looked at the clock on your wall, and noticed that you still had a few hours before you needed to be at the venue for the festival.

You went through your morning routine (although, it was already well into the afternoon), and made all the necessary arrangements for the show. Your costume and makeup had already been double-checked and neatly placed into a duffle bag. The only thing you really needed to ready were your "after festival" date clothes, as Aidan had insisted on taking you out to supper, after the festival was over. You placed the date outfit into the duffle bag, hoisted it over your shoulder, and calmly walked out the door.

The bus ride to the venue was a relatively quiet one, as usual, but your mind was a flurry of memories of sensations from last night. Within the confines of your mind, you remembered the sounds of his knock on the door - timid, at first, then determined. You felt the brief touch of his lips on yours, then the accompanying headache when you both crashed to the floor. You remembered how nervous and excited he looked, and how wide his pupils had dilated, taking in all of you, at once. He had tasted a bit like the cigarette he had probably smoked to keep himself calm, and of mint gum, which he possibly had chewed to mask the cigarette, and to make sure his breath was minty fresh when he kissed you. You remember breathing in the comforting scent of him, as you curled against his warm chest, listening to the rhythm of his heart pounding excitedly against its cage. You recalled how velvety and lush his lips were, as they gently and calmly pressed against yours, again... over, and over, again...while you both sat on your couch, whispering altogether lovely things to each other as you stared deeply into his soft brown eyes...

You hadn't realized how deeply you were blushing, until a kind older woman gently touched your arm and asked you if you were alright. "You look feverish, dearie. I have a paracetamol in my purse, here, if you'd like to take it. Maybe it will help you until you get to wherever you're going." You smiled, thanked her for the offer, then assured her that you felt just fine. She accepted your refusal, but kept an eye on you for the remainder of the ride, just in case you "got worse".

"Y/N! Hi!" Tanya ran to greet you, as you entered the backstage area. You smiled and waved to her. "Hey, Tanya!" She wiggled her eye brows and elbowed you gently. "Soooo, are you ready for your dance with Aidan?" Against your will, you blushed. Tanya noticed. "Oh my gosh... Y/N, did something happen between you two?!" You inwardly winced. Surely, Aidan wouldn't want anyone to know what had happened last night...at least, not yet. "No, nothing," you lied. "I'm just...nervous. I don't much like dancing in front of people." "Oh, but you're so great at it," Tanya enthused. "Yeah, well, that doesn't mean I like it. It breaks me out in hives." She rolled her eyes and walked towards the ladies dressing room. You, however, walked towards the lavatory, as you didn't want to get dressed in front of any of your classmates.

When you emerged, Aidan was standing at the end of the passageway looking back and forth towards both ends of the passage, a worried look on his face. When he spotted you leaving the lavatory, his wrinkled brow relaxed and he smiled. You blushed and walked over to him, showing off your costume. He chuckled. "The outfit suits you! I almost wish you would wear it for supper, tonight," he spoke softly, trying to keep his voice low, so only you could hear. You shook your head and chuckled. "Look, you get one viewing of this getup, then it's back to my Mum's costume closet. Besides, I've brought some other clothes with me for this mysterious 'date', even though you've told me nothing about it." He grinned and winked. "Sorry. No spoilers. Can't let you in on it. It would spoil the surprise."

The festival went off without a hitch. Your class' dance was well-received, earning boisterous rounds of applause. The duet with Aidan had worked much better than it ever had before. The movements and steps were easy and natural, and the way Aidan looked at you made you want to melt, right there in front of everyone. You managed to hold it together long enough to complete the dance, then bow as you received a standing ovation.

Afterwards, you ran back to the lavatory and changed into your favorite "date" clothes. You double-checked your appearance in the mirror, then nervously hoisted your bag over your shoulder as you exited into the passageway. You didn't expect to almost walk into Aidan, who was standing outside the door, waiting for you. He grinned as you became flustered, while you apologized profusely. "Don't worry about it, really. I figured you would be here, as no one in the dressing rooms saw you walk in. Are you ready to go?" You only managed a meek nod before he gently guided you towards the exit, his large and warm hand pressed against the small of your back.

Author's Note:
The festival was a tremendous success! Your next hurdle, however, is the mysterious location of your date. What has Aidan prepared for you? Read Part 7 of Dancing with Aidan.

Thank you all so much for your patience! You're all A+ troopers, in my book! I know I said that this chapter would be the last, but I have since changed my mind. While writing the chapter, I realized it just kept getting longer and longer, with no end in sight, so I felt that it was necessary to split it up and not end it here. In fact, I may do a few more chapters before I end it, just because it feels like the story can't end here. All I ask is for your continued patience with me. I don't want to give any of you shoddy work. You all deserve nothing less than the best from me, and I aim to give that to you.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! As always, constructive criticism is always welcome. I hope you have a great day, and remember to be awesome to each other!

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