Comforting you when scared or upset

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Desmond: He'll normally let you scream and let it all out before pulling you in for a tight hug, he runs a finger through your [length] [color] hair until your breaths even out, even after that. Sometimes he'll lay with you and let you sleep while he eat he over you. Sometimes you'll ask to go out for McDonalds or some other fast food place and you'll both eat your weight in burgers to relax.

Haytham: He'll make a fresh pot of tea and settle down next to you, laying with you under a large comforter while he let's you talk it out, if you don't want to talk he let's you lay in his lap. You'll ask him to tell you about the most interesting adventures he's been on and he'll detail every little thing as you fall asleep.

Connor: Normally, he'll sit with you on the couch, calling over your dogs and you'll all relax, curled up in a mess on the couch until you eventually fall asleep. There are times where he will pull you in close and whisper how everything will be okay and that nothing will hurt you. He reminds you that he is always there for you, even if he finds it hard to show that most times.

Charles: It's very iffy when he will comfort you because a lot of the time, he is busy with his work but when he is there, he never leaves your side. He caters to your very need until he knows you are okay. You are his world (coughotherthanhaythamcough) and he would never want to see you in any pain. He is normally on the run though so when he's gone, you would call him and he would promise that he would being you something home from his trip. He spoils you most when you're scared or upset.

I really think I did a good job with capturing the characters in this one with how they would handle the situation. I like this one too because it's really sweet to think about somebody strong and trained to kill sitting down and cuddling with you and calming you down.

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