You get sick

527 9 27

"Desmond!" You yell groggily, congested. You need more tissues.

Desmond rushed in, concerned you might have gotten hurt somehow. "What's wrong?"

"Tissues" you slur, sitting up.

Desmond nodded, tossing a to go pack of tissues to you. "Yell if you need me again, okay babe?"

You nod, smiling. "Yea, I will.. Thanks D"

Desmond returned the smile before turning and leaving.

You sit there for a moment, staring at the ceiling. You had nothing to do and you were bored.



"Cuddle with meeee"

Desmond came back into the room, getting onto the couch with you. He pulls you so your laying almost basically on top of him. He has his arms wrapped around your small frame, letting you rest your head on his shoulder.

Desmond takes out his phone and opens Netflix.

You and Desmond eventually fall asleep on the couch watching Netflix.

"Haytham.. You don't need to make me anything" you complain, laying wrapped up in a shit load of blankets.

"Yes, I do. You are ill, you will not get better unless you get treatment. I am making you tea with honey to help your sore throat" Haytham says sternly, carry a tray over.

"I'm fine" you croak, sighing.

"You are not fine, I am not resting until you are well again, my fully functioning rebellious boy"

"But Daddy..."

Haytham continued to make you tea, deciding to add some lemon as well.

"I just need some cough meds and I'll be fine"

Haytham wasn't going to have that, he finished up with the tea and gave you a cup.

You gave in an drank the tea, having him sit and talk with you as you drank.

"Thanks Haytham.." You smile, leaning against Haytham's shoulder.

"You're welcome [Y/N]"

"Gee Connor!" You laugh, bursting into a coughing fit near the end.

"Did I do something?" Connor asks, concerned.

"No no.. You're just like some maid right now..! It's kinda funny" you grin.

Connor just shakes his head, carrying on with his task. He was cleaning around the house since he finished making food and herbal teas for you.

Amara and Achilles were curled up next to you, snoozing away.

You start hacking and wheezing, having yet another coughing fit. You had whoopin cough and it was killing your throat.

"Connor?" You ask, voice strained.


"I'm sorry but.." You stop short, coughing violently.

Connor holds a concerned expression, stopping what he's doing to sit by you and rub your back.

Eventually you stop coughing, extremely light headed. You lean back against the back of the cough, closing your eyes. You sigh.

"My throat really hurts.." You croak, your throat feeling as if it was against sandpaper.

"I know, but you will feel better soon"

"Not soon enough.." You whisper.

"You should sleep for now, it will help you heal faster"

You nod slowly, laying back on the couch. "Do you think you can sit with me...? Until I fall asleep?"

Connor nods, sit by you, petting Achilles as he listens to you tiredly ramble.

"I think it would be great if..." You went on, slowly falling asleep mid sentence.

Connor gets up, brushing any stray hair from your eyes before he heads off to finish what he had been doing prior.

"I'm sorry I'm not there right now.." Charles sighs.

"No it's okay, don't worry" you sniff, wiping at your running nose.

"I'm terrible for not being there"

"No you aren't, Lee, it's okay" you smile faintly to yourself.

"I will be home soon"

"I look forward to it"

"You should check the front door in a minute, I order you soup from your favorite takeout"

"You're amazing"

You end up sneezing before Charles can respond.

"Bless you"

"Thanks" you sniff.

"I'll be there soon"

"I'll see you then"

Charles hangs up, quickly trying to finish his task.

You get the soup from the delivery man and go relax on the couch, flicking on the tv.

This one was fun to write.

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