Chapter 7

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We went to that party and while I didn't want to say it out loud, it was actually pretty dope. Travis, fortunately, could teleport any objects that were touching him, so we all grabbed an arm and were at the party in no seconds at all. There were people on the roof, people doing keg stands where their legs were being levitated by magic, people turning water into wine (only a little offensive), orcs doing cannonballs... everything that makes a truly epic party. I was still not too happy with Terra, so I grumbled and pretended I was too cool as I walked in.

My new friends quickly scattered off to their other, local friends and I was pretty sure I was never going to see them again. I wasn't too bummed about that though, I got double spell high with them and that was a memory that wasn't going away any time soon.

I grabbed a beer from an overflowing cooler and drifted into a lawn chair, where I watched the party move and shake around me. I didn't even know where the hell Warner was, and the more I thought about it, the more I was pretty sure he had my keys. So, I was stuck.

Three more beers in, and I was sort of on one. I wasn't the type of person who sat by at a rager party, was I? No! No, I wasn't! This thought lifted me out of the chair and up into the crowd. I flicked my wand towards the stereo system across the party, changing it to that one song that was on the radio all the time but I actually didn't know what the name was.

No one seemed to notice, it was a pretty large party and songs do change, but I was ready to rip. I started swinging and dancing and causing all sorts of ruckus. If I was going to be forced to stay at some lame-o high school party I didn't want to go to, I was going to have a good time and make a right fool of myself.

I did a spin dance move and caught a beer as I completed the rotation, which was actually the first time that had ever worked. I cracked it and drank, ready to get my party on. People were looking, but I wasn't ready to begin caring about that sort of thing. Nope, things were about to get just a wee bit weird.

I think I almost immediately began to draw looks and attention from around the party. I didn't blame them, seeing as I was a complete stranger who was visibly wasted. Attention was also mostly my intention here, so the strange looks weren't unwarranted.

Some people, the cooler people, started veering in towards me, dancing a little here and there. I summoned a few more beers, cracked them in the air and then hovered them around the newcomers, much to their excitement. The party was cranking up, as per my plan.

"Eve, what are you doing?" I spun to Warner, who was leaning in towards me, looking severely embarrassed. "When'd you get here?"

"When'd I get here?!" I echoed back to him. My words were not my own, but instead the product of chemicals mixing around somewhere inside my brain.

"Dude, you're making a huge scene," Warner said, hushed.

"I don't fucking care. I'm having a good time."

"Ok, but it's Terra's party and-"

"Terra? TERRA?" I said, probably a little too loud but I didn't care.

"Yeah. Terra. She's cool, you should come and meet here."

"We already met and I already know what I need to know."

Warner averted his eyes. Typical shy orc. "I just think maybe we should calm down."

"You seem pretty calm, my man," I slurred and tripped back on me feet. "You left me! Did you know that? That you left me."

"I didn't mean to-"

"-but you did! We're not out here to party, dude. We're out here to... to...." I racked my brain for the next words, but the beer had taken control.

"I just thought we could-"

"You got an ounce of attention and you ran with it. Is that what you thought?" I mumbled as I tripped back again. I think I knew it was a pretty mean thing to say as soon as it crossed my lips, but beer.

Warner looked away. "Let's just go if you want to go."

"I want to hang! I'm here," I finally caught my balance and stood out straight. "How about we dance?" I flicked my wand in the air, taking control of the surrounding dancers limbs. "Don't worry people, this is going to be rad as all hell!" I assured them.

"I can't move my fucking arms, man!" one of them shouted, but I flicked a beer in his direction.

"I've always wanted to have a spell cast on me!" another said, and I ignored that. I was never trying to honor any magic fetishes.

I wasn't a good dancer, but given the right song and the proper level of intoxication, I was known to bust a few dance moves. The spell I had cast on the surrounding crowd allowed me to control their body movements mentally, so I kicked it into high gear and we all started doing choreographed dance moves. Fortunately, everyone was pretty well and drunk so they were more or less into it. A little kick here, a little swing that way, and our group was having a good ole time.

The people that hadn't noticed me were now noticing me, so that was a win. People started whooping and hollering and trying to join in on the dance. Warner crossed his arms, not too happy at all.

"Cheer the fuck up, guy!" I called out at him, and kept dancing.

Terra materialized from the crowd with her group of lackies in tow. She looked amused, uncaring of the ruckus I was causing. I didn't like that a whole lot.

I flicked the music off, sending off a bunch of groans from the party. I ignored them and stared Terra straight down. Still, she didn't seem to mind. I was getting mad. Mad and angry and drunk and I missed my mom a pretty substantial amount. A dangerous combo.

"You took my friend!" I managed.

Terra looked innocent. "What was that?"

I pointed at her, and subsequently the entire group around me point as well. "You took my friend! We were here for too long and then you took him."

"Oh... I'm sorry?"

"You better be sorry. You better be," I said and stepped towards her. Everyone else stepped with me. "Because I know you. I've known people like you, in my own school. And you smile and people like you, but you know what? You're fake! You're really, really fake."

Despite all the word slinging, Terra was still unaffected. "I'm sorry you feel that way. I really am."

"Who the hell is this bitch?" one of Terra's friends called out.

"She's the worst," another agreed. "Nice top though."

"Def nice top."

While my top was nice, I was in no mood to talk about it. "Why don't you wake up, man?" I wagged both hands at her, and the rest followed. "Why don't you stop worrying about how good you look and how many people like you and start doing something real?!"

The party was silent. Everyone was looking at me and my army of mimics. The vibe had very quickly turned sour and that was all on me. My unease towards Terra and the scene I had caused suddenly made me very, very self conscious.

I racked my brain for what to do. What do people like that will make a party better? Music? I flicked the radio back on. Drinks? I levitated a bunch more handles from drink table and started making all sorts of mixed drinks in the air. Weird pool contents? I turned the pool into blue Kool Aid. The party started to murmur and lighten up again, and I knew what I needed to do.

"Let's fucking party!" I shouted and jumped into the pool. All the other people jumped with me, but a few just hit the ground because their were too far away to compensate for my jump. I surfaced, realized this, and turned that spell off.

The crowd went nuts. If there's anything that will make teenagers forget a conflict, it's free alcohol and a pool full of Kool Aid. I grabbed myself another beverage and drank it down in one fell gulp. That was the last thing I remembered.

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