Chapter Sixteen

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We were all in Sydney and I got showered in Tonight Alive's bus and got dressed in the All Time Low bus. As I got out the toilet I accidentally walked into someone's broad chest as I looked up to see it was Alex. He gave me a slight nod and walked into the toilet as I walked to the front lounge to see Zack on the acoustic guitar. I sat beside him and leaned my head on his broad, muscly shoulder. "I heard what happened yesterday, I'm sorry I know how much he means to you," and as he said that I started crying. I cried into his chest and it actually killed me inside. He never even asked to be friends because he still likes Lisa but he hasn't seen her in a while and has only called her or skyped her. I wiped away my tears and looked up to Zack as I saw the soothing smile he gives me.

"I do really like him but I obviously doesn't like me back so why should I?" I asked him.

"You can't just stop liking somebody Katie. You gotta wait a while before your love for him dies down,"

"Wow for someone who doesn't talk much you hold in such wise stuff! Thanks Zack I owe it to you."

"No problem I'm here to always help a friend out." He said and I hugged him for a long time but I needed it...a lot. I heard someone cough and we break apart to see Alex looking at us. I awkwardly blush but then immediately cover it as I look at Alex's face.

"What were you guys doing?" he asked both of us.

"Katie here just wanted some advice nothing about you," Zack lied and smiled at me.

"Yes exactly correct and why would you need to know anyway we're not dating or anything," I said and winked at Zack but I had no idea why I would do that. Luckily Zack played along and winked back as I giggled to myself. I looked back at Alex and I saw him glare at Zack but then averted his eyes to me.

"Well I was just going to say to use the laptop you were using Zack so I can Skype Lisa," he said and I knew he was just saying that to make me jealous just the way he emphasised Lisa.

"Okay it's all yours bye." Zack said and we shuffled off the couch/bench and watched Alex sit down and logging into his Skype.

"Thanks guys' bye!" he said and we walked off the bus.

As we got off the bus Zack started speaking to me. "He was so trying to make you jealous," he said.

"Do you think he heard us?" I asked worriedly.

"To be honest...I think yes...he did. He's such a douche at times though but as we winked at each other, he glared at me and I think...he might still have feelings for you." he said and I looked down at my shoes.

"Hopefully so, because I still have feelings for him."

We got the venue and I told Jenna everything and she listened which I really needed for her to do and then we started mucking about with the guys doing silly pranks.

Soon Alex came on time with sound check with a big smile on his face. He walked over to us and started hi-fiving all the guys wooing but everyone else were confused. "Good news guys! Lisa got time off work and she's coming on tour when we come to the UK and she will be with us until the end of the tour in America and she likes me back! Yes!" he said but nobody was happy for him.

"Alex do you remember the last time you and Lisa got together? She cheated on you with that guy that used to bully you in school." Rian said unsure about the whole idea and either all of us.

"Don't put that situation in my head Rian! I just want to be happy because we always climb back to each other and I think that's she is the one..." he trailed off and Jack made a dry laugh. Tonight Alive awkwardly walked off obviously not wanting to witness this to do their sound check but I couldn't do that so I stood and watched the whole thing.

"But she is always breaking your heart Alex! Can't you see that no one likes her!" Jack's voice loudened. Thankfully Tonight Alive was playing their song 'Fire' and it was loud.

"Shut up Jack! Just because I can get a hot girl unlike you!" Alex shouted.

"Excuse me but I got things on with a Playboy bunny. I think I can make higher standards than you can!" Jack shouted and then something big happened. Alex punched Jack and soon they were fighting. I stood watching the scene and the song stopped as everyone tried to get Alex and Jack off each other.

Soon they were off each other and they all had spilt lips and black eyes but seeing these guys fight even though their supposed to be the best of friends this was scary. They walked away going to different corners away from each other and the first aid people checked them out hopefully good to play for tonight but then I don't think so. Even though this wasn't about me or anything I felt it was somewhat my fault even I know it's not everyone gets that stupid feeling and that's what I'm feeling right now.

I walked out the venue and leaned on the wall exhaling and inhaling air to stop myself having a heart attack or something. I walked back in and they were still away from each other and I didn't know who I should go to see first.

So my instinct took me to the person I wouldn't expect to even talk to right now for what he has done.


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