Chapter Six

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"Riddles in the dark." Gandalf whispered into the night, Calypso laid tangled in the grey fabric of his cloak by his feet waiting in anticipation for the younger Baggins' return, her eyes glued to Bilbo's Lost trinket glinting away on the floor. "Bilbo! Bilbo!" Frodo cries as he rushes into Bag End, stopping in the doorway a moment before picking up Bilbo's ring by his feet. Gandalf continues staring into the fire, as if locked in thought.

"He's gone, hasn't he?" Frodo asks as he steps into the living room. "He talked for so long about leaving. I didn't think he'd really do it." "He's been murmuring to himself for awhile now" Calypso whispered to the Hobbit as she untangled herself, "Perhaps you can get through to him?" Frodo nodes as he enters further into the living room "Gandalf?"

The wizard turns, his eyes locked onto the ring in Frodo's fingers. "Bilbo's ring." He says, his voice suspiciously cheery standing up beginning to sort hurriedly through Bilbo's papers, like the last few moments didn't happen. "He's gone to stay with the Elves. He's left you Bag End-" Gandalf holds out an open envelope with a moment of hesitation Frodo drops the ring into it. "-long with all his possessions." Gandalf seals the envelope with wax quickly before handing it back to Frodo.

"The ring is yours now. But keep it safe somewhere out of sight." Gandalf rises hurriedly and starts to gather his things, nudging Calypso out the way as she gets under his feet in his hurry to leave. "Where are you going?" "I have some things I must see to, Calypso-" "yes Gandalf?" The feline questioned, her wild eyes flickering across the wizard's features as a feeling of dread began to enter her heart, "you are to stay here my dear-" "But Gandalf-" "-No. Do as I say, please keep a watchful eye over Frodo." Hesitantly she nodded, "as you wish."

"Please Gandalf I don't understand what things?" "Questions Frodo. Questions that need answering." "You've only just arrived! I don't understand." Gandalf turns to Frodo as he stands already ready by the door, "Neither do I. Keep it secret, keep it safe." As he hurried out the door he gave Calypso one last pointed look before disappearing into the night, leaving the pair standing in the hallway of Bag End.

"Come along pup, we've had a long night. How about a nice cup of tea before bed? I'll see if I can sniff out Bilbo's good biscuits"


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