Chapter 1

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Why do bad things happen to good people if they fall in love with a bad person? If so, then why did I find the one man in my life to have him taken from me? He never deserved death, I did. I mean I've killed my own parents! Wasn't that fun, oh yes it was, and the kidnappings, stealing, and my revenge was all so so so fun... Too bad I can't continue  them, I mean I was someone who was bad, met my love and then started to straighten out. But I guess I am just meant to be 'bad' as people would tell  me, how am I bad? I am the one who lost everything! Everyone I loved is gone, but I guess life was going too well, I was TOO happy. NO one knows my story, I believe no one cares but they will. Now I am bleeding to death from my chest and thinking all about my life. I guess it is true that when you are dying you think of life, funny. I guess I should tell someone my story. Well it all start one little 'faithful night' oh my humor.

" I can't wait to see him, oh I wonder if he is going to have your beautiful eyes," Jack said, I smile at him as he is driving our little car. Jack, my love if only you knew. if only you knew.  I simply reply," I hope he has your nose and that smiles I fell in love with." I can see Jack's smile brighten as he stops at a red light. " I will love him no matter what." he says as he turns to me and sets a soft gentle kiss on my pregnant belly, I feel a little kick where he kissed. "I see he enjoys love and kisses like mommy does," I could literally hear the laughter and happiness in his voice, and my God does it sound luscious in my ears, as the light turns green my husband looks before going since he always is careful when I am in the car. He didn't like to make me feel as if I was still being hunted for my crimes, he loathed my parents and all who did wrong to me. He starts going when we hear some tires shriek and somehow we are flying through the air and into a ditch. The car is crumpled around us, I look around." Jack, J-Jack!" I scream, my lungs are on fire from all the smoke. My vision begin to fade as I look around trying to find Jack, the darkness soon took over.

How is the patient doing? She is stable, we were able to remove the womb with no problem, though the husband died on impact. I open my eyes, then close them the light is too much to my eyes right now. "Ma'am are you awake?" the nurse asks me, I open my eyes again and look up at her. I try to sit up but pain shoots up my stomach and chest." Don't move around to much we had to do surgery to save your life." the nurse says, injecting me with more morphine. I was finally able to ask," W-what happen?" I ask. The nurse sighs," Your car was rammed into by a truck, your husband died on impact and we had to remove your womb with your baby to save your life." My deep grey eyes narrow, I start to sob. No, no no no. They didn't deserve to die! Why am I alive?! Why? They were supposed to live and I was supposed to die, I deserve death! I had a death sentence, they were pure!  " The driver of the truck is in a coma, he is probably going to live." the nurse says before leaving my room for me to think. I stare at the wall. HE DOES NOT DESERVE TO LIVE! I will destroy everything that man loves, I will have my revenge, but how? Oh how am I going to destroy the worthless little- the family. I will destroy the family. Oh what fun. That is when my lips curled up into the most insane smile they could. I'm coming, you better watch out...

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