Chapter 6

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I really wanted to work alone, I didn't like working with others. I loathed anyone touching my family, it is even better that the helper was an intern... so much fun! I continued walking through the morgue with the intern following behind my heals. Click, click, click was all I could hear, Miss. Jaime was trying to keep up with my long strides. I finally reached the end and said," Miss. Jamie, set up two tables, I will receive the bodies," I see her nod her head and scurry off, I humble myself before looking at the clipboard hanging on the wall. Jayden, Jayden. Ah here it is Jack Jayden and baby Jayden 219 and 220. I walk to the wall where all the bodies are held, the stainless steal making my reflection stare right at me, I take in a breathy sigh to steady my nerves before opening the first casket. It was my husband; my once alive, breathing, loving husband. The one that would make my heart melt at his laugh and his soft features that made me want to trace them until I memorized them. This wasn't the same guy; this one had glass shards imbedded in his skin and his neck was bent and broken, this one had blood caked all over him, this one the muscles were torn and disfigured, this one was dead. I just stood there, trying to contemplate that this was a reality, that I wasn't just having a nightmare. I gently took his body and set it on a stretcher to transport it to the table, taking as much time to become precise and accurate with my movements. Miss. Jamie motioned me over to allow me to move the body to the stainless steel operating table. I would never allow anything otherwise, not even a little. I could tell her insides were turning since her gaze was fixed upon my dead lovers body, I began seeing from her body language that she is in between the emotions of sadness and fear. Her hands are shaking as she stares at him and I set a gentle hand on her shoulder, I may not like her but I must at least comfort her a little, she is new for everyone's sake." I'm so sorry for your loss, I-I am so sorry," she whispers to me, I just nod and continue on with me work. I began to show her my ways of inspecting my bodies, I grab my clipboard and start my notes, I began showing her that I would list and circle any area of interest or of look of cause of death or anything foreign objects, after I finish the first part I remove all foreign objects from the skin and tissues. Then I assess the wounds and properly record them, I watch as Miss. Jamie absorbs all of the information and writes plenty of notes for all information I supply. After I strip the body I began to get rid of the excess liquids from the body, I decided that I would clean the body for the funeral home since I do this for a living. I allow Miss. Jamie to do her observations of the corpse and furiously write her notes down, her intelligence did show through. I was quite surprised at her ability to absorb and apply the information almost at an instant, after awhile I reconstructed his face with Miss. Jamie, her eyes still glued to my hands as I work. I completed reconstructing the face of Jack, it was hard. It was so hard to reconstruct a face of a loved one, especially one that felt like an angel taking me away from my demons, I then look down at his hand. I saw his wedding ring and almost bursted into tears from just his ring, I gently remove his ring and add it to the dog tags that I earned form being in so many gangs. I did the same to my little baby boy, they still had him in my womb as I got him out. I held him as if I was holding him after labor, I gently set him down and open my womb slowly. When I saw him I had to stop, I set my materials down and turned away. I began to sob uncontrollably, it was hurting, my heart was hurting. I felt two arms wrap around my torso and pulling me to a warm object. Miss. Jamie begins to soothingly comfort me, as if she was a mother before and I was her lost abandoned child. "It is okay Dr. Jayden, shh breathe." I hear her voice. It wasn't as high pitched as normal and it had more of a sad tone than her perky, high pitch vocals would produce. My baby, I finally held my baby and I couldn't see him open his eyes. I calm down into a sniffle, Miss. Jamie pulls out a handkerchief and allows me to clean my face with it. After a few more minutes of sniffling and blowing my nose, my nerves settled enough to see my baby again. I began assessing for any foreign objects, wounds inside and out I saw that he stop a steel object from piercing my vital organs. My newborn was just like his father, protecting mommy. I pay my respects and set him back in his casket. I turn to Miss. Jamie and demand her notes, her eyes broke their content upon my own and stare at the floor. I looked at her notes and began reading, she had an interesting writing style, it formed upon the sophisticated level. I began reading and smile

It showed not only my discoveries but also had her thought upon my connection with these corpses, maybe just maybe she can come into my little game. I will destroy the man who did this, I can't wait to kill him.

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