Chapter 3

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I kept examining Alexander's file, over and over, absorbing every piece of information I could. His job, his adress, every detail I could get ouy of his file, I look up to see that I spent hours on this one file. It was pitch black outside, so I decided to close the file and take a shower.

All I could think about was how I was going to destroy ever fiber of him, he is the reason why I don't feel peace, he is the reason why I can never feel my lover's arms around me and see my baby boy's first steps. I strip of all my clothing and slide into the hot shower, letting the warm water untense my muscles. I lean on the wall and start to sob, letting every emotion out. My sadness, my anger, my loneliness, letting it go all down the drain. That's all I could do for now, letting my emotions flow out of me. I finally take a deep breath, Isabella breathe you need to collect yourself. I run a hand throug my hair and start to lather my hair with shampoo, after I'm finished bathing I step out of the shower and dry myself off, I wrap my towel around myself and go into my closet. Jack, I look at his side and grab a shirt and some of his boxers. Sliding the clothing on, I go back into the bedroom, I stare at the bed. I forgot how it felt to sleep alone, I figured out that I didn't like it. I fell asleep, dreaming about how Jack changed my life.

My dream wasn't about how we met, my dream was about the first time he brought me to his house, this was the time my father was alive and my mother was dead. I was beating up one of my men who was disobeying me. I was the gang leader for every gang, all the territories where mine you can say I owned the downtown. For each gang I get a tattoo on my back, that can tell any person that my back, sides, and arms are filled with tattoos. I was about to kill him with my pistol when Jack saw me and ran up to me. Jack said," Isabella don't kill him, please don't!" All I did was stare at him, confused. He never knew the guy I wanted to kill but he still stopped me" Isabella please, give me the gun. Let me show you a better side of life than this." He said. I debated it out for a little while before I handed him the gun, I saw a beautiful smile form and I couldn't help but blush slightly. He grabbed my hand and started directing me to a place, I followed without saying a word. His fingers intertwined with mine, his hand was soft and gentle. "Where are we going Jack?" I ask, being the curious person I am. He turns to me and smiles," To my house, don't worry it will be fun!" All I could have done was laugh at his comment, he was so cute when he tried too hard. We finally reached the good part of town, the side I've never been on, this side there wasn't a dead body each corner of a street or a whore looking for money. Everything looked clean and orderly, I knew that this is were 'good' people live, not me of course. We finally reach a huge house, much bigger than the crappy, broken down apartment my father owned. It was clean, grass cut and watered, the Windows aren't cracked or broken, and the paint looked brand new. Jack led me inside and I couldn't help but gasp, it was beautiful inside. It was clean and orderly, the staircase was rich with color and deep brown wood, the detail on this house was amazing." Mom! I'm home!" Jack yelled up the stairs, he still held the gun he had asked for awhile ago. I grab it and stuff it in my pants before his mother walked down the stairs, she was a splitting image of Jack. They both had deep brown hair, soft, angelic features, and a smile that could light up the room. Her blue sparkling eyes landed on me and smiled," Well Jack, who is this?" He smiled and replied," Mom, this is Isabella. She isn't from around this side of town. She doesn't do many things people would say is good but I know she has kindness in her, we just have to get her to open up." His mother looked at me, I didn't have anything special on, just worn-out jeans, a tank top showing the defined torso I own, and a deep red flannel with some torn pieces on it. She nods," Well then, I am not going to judge. I believe everyone, including murderers, thieves, and gangsters deserve a second chance." I couldn't believe what I heard from her. She said she wanted to give me a chance, Jack nods," Yep but first no weapons in the house so put them on the coffee table," I look at him and reply," All of them?" He nods, pointing at the table. I sighed in defeat and removed both my pistols, a few knives, three full magazines for my pistols and emptied my pistols of their bullets. I heard a chuckle from behind me, but before I could ask what was so funny I heard the answer. "Well someone is a tad too well armed, I'll get used to that though. So have you eaten yet? You certainly haven't showered or washed your clothing." His mom said. I blush and shake my head," No ma'am, I haven't eaten and I don't own a shower that I can use. Though it is weird since I own the entire downtown. Then again, my father still owns my ass." Then I hear a risk and Jack flicked my forehead," Language, no cussing." Jack told me, I rub the pain out of my forehead and mutter a sorry. He just laughed and showed me around the house as his mother cooked, showing me pictures of himself or his family, telling me stories of what his family has done. His father died from a shooting, don't worry I killed the guy who did it.

At the dinner table I sat next to Jack and in front of his younger sister, I was told her name was Lizzy. She grinned at me and started the attack of questions. "Are you Jack's girlfriend? Are you a gangster? Are those your guns? Can I touch them if they are?" She asked, beaming with excitement. I tried answering as fast as I could," I don't know, yes I am a gangster, the boss of them all, those are my weapons, and you have to ask your mom about touching them," She squealed," That is so cool!" I laughed, I always wanted a sister. Jack tapped my shoulder and pointed to his mom when she pulled out of the kitchen with a huge pot. My mouth watered, it smelled like heaven just decided to hit me nose. She made spaghetti with warm garlic bread. She began dishing out our plates, giving me an extra scoop. "To get some meat on those bones!" She said as she sat down and started to eat, I didn't even ask as I tore into my plate. She can cook, I mean she can cook. I didn't even talk to them while I was eating, this was the first good meal I had since my mom died. His mom laughed as I scarfed down my food," I'm Ms. Shelby by the way, I won't ask if you like the food. So tell me about your parents." I gulp the food in my mouth and replied," My mom is dead from cancer, she was sick enough to have to stay in the hospital all the time. My dad stopped caring for her then, I was the only one who visited her. She would have always smiled at me and when she wasn't sick she would make dinner at the hospital, they allowed her in the staff room to. Her medicine costed so much so I did what I could to get it, doing jobs and stealing it. Then it got worse and she was suffering so I stole the lethal amount and stuck it into her I.V. I couldn't watch her slowly die. Before I did it she told me that she loved me, she was sorry, she forgave me, and that she'll always be my mother," I didn't knew tears were flowing down my cheek right then" my father was always a gangster, he hated the world after my mom was hospitalized, he took his anger out on me. He would beat me and then go and have a drink. I now work for him or I get beaten to an inch of my life. So he taught me how to kill, steal, stuff like that." There was silence after that, Jack hugged me tightly. I was confused on why he did that but now I know. He wasn't pitying me, he was giving my sympathy. His mother had tears in her eyes as well before saying," I am so sorry about your mom. I truly am." All Lizzy did was cry for me, she was only six after all. We just sat in silence until Jack started a conversation with Ms. Shelby, they went at it and I just absorbed it all. It was amazing to listen to them debate, I loved his house.

After helping with the dishes I sat on the couch, my stomach full for the first time in what seems as forever. Lizzy came up to me and asked if she could touch my guns but Ms. Shelby said no. I laughed at her pout and took my flannel off, I could feel Jack and Ms. Shelby stare at my back and arms. They were full of tattoos. I give my flannel to Lizzy and say," You are now the tough and smart little girl I know. Be good for your mom okay?" She smiled at me and hugged me," Thank you Izzy!" She said as she ran up the stairs, I turn to the duo and stated," Each tattoo shows that I am the boss of a gang or that I am me. It is my symbol on the world." Ms. Shelby touched one of the petals on my shoulder and asked," May I see them all?" I smile and nod, I laid down as I slip my tank top off, exposing my defined muscles and tattooed back, I then unclipped my bra so they could see every skull, rose, and set of wings I had on my back, sides and biceps. Ms. Shelby touched a few of them and asked their origins, of course I answered as best as I could. After awhile of looking at them Jack said," They're beautiful, just like you," I blushed and muttered," Thanks Jack," Ms. Shelby laughed and covered his eyes so I could redress. She then grabbed my hand and pulled me upstairs. "You are taking a shower and I am washing your clothes, you are also staying the night as well. No if, ands, or buts." I laughed and nodded," yes ma'am," I walked into the bathroom and got into their shower. This was the first warm shower I took in my life and damn did it feel good. When I got out I saw some of Jack's clothing and slid them on. I said goodnight and fell asleep on their couch.

I finally woke up from my dream of the good old days and looked around in the bedroom I once shared with Jack. I felt the tears falling down my cheeks but I took care of them and said," It is time to get to work."

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