Chapter 4

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I slid out of the covers, letting the cold air hit my bare skin, I turn back to the bed and begin to remake it. Jack always loved to make the bed in the mornings, I wonder if what he would have done if we made it to the hospital safely? He wouldn't leave my side, the dork. My lovely little dork. After I finish making my bed I head to the bathroom to freshen up and change for the day. I began to think; what should I do first? Get the files? Look at my husband's corpse? Tell his mother about what happened? My hand subconsciously snaked its way to the stitches on my torso, I shake my head.  Oh hell no, I am not ready to tell her yet, she has treated me with kindness and love. The type of love my mother wanted to give me but was too sick to. Ms. Shelby and Lizzy do not deserve the pain I feel at all. But I will have to tell them soon, I need time, this is too much to just think I need to make a list. I walk back into my bedroom to toss m clothing into the laundry basket and head into the hallway. I quickly enter my office space, it is a nice size, a deep Bog Oak desk with a leather seat, behind my chair is a huge window and hugging each side of the window there are bookcases full of medic books as well as textbooks. Not to mention the beautiful artwork of Van Gogh's Starry Night  that rests upon the open wall space, the next to the left bookcase, and to mirror that piece was Hokusai The Great Wave. I loved classic art so when we bought the house, Jack, Lizzy, and Ms.Shelby bought me these two pieces of great artwork. I grab my writing pad and pen while sitting in my chair. I began my list or what I needed to do; Regain my muscles, practice shooting, get the files of Crystal Johnson and Derrick Johnson, prepare Jack's corpse for funeral as well as baby's, tell Ms. Shelby that Jack is dead. I stop my list there since I can't continue my plan until I gain those files, it would be too suspicious if I went back into the hospital for the corpse and files right when I just discharged myself, so I guess I well start the first few weeks of just regaining my ablity to shoot my guns and to fight again. I need to go back downtown. I rip my list out of my writing pad, race down the stairs, and exit my house. I lock the door before starting to head to my destination.

In this part of town, this was the place where the 'bad' people like me belong. Where all the garbage, sluts, and criminals live. Even though we are labeled these names, I didn't see these people as that. They were my family, the family that taught me how to shoot my guns, teaching me how to fight and to survive this cruel world I live in. My closest friends down here were labeled sluts, which they weren't, their father's raped them and then it was spread around the school. My father on the other hand didn't just rape me, no he would beat me into submission, in his mind I was clay that was hard so to mold it you have to beat the crap out of it. My father was the most feared man, and he lived up to his reputation. At the age of five, I had my first kill, I was filled with fear. I was forced to kill my friend, he grabbed me by the hair and put the gun in my hand. I tried to miss but he lifted the gun up and forced my little fingers to pull the trigger. I shake my head, this was not the time to think about my past, I'm making it sound like a poor me kind of thing. It isn't, it happened and now it's over. I look up to see the dented sign. 'Max's Boxing Ring' I walk through the door and look around. It looked like a regular, run-down boxing gym. I yell," Max, are you here?" I hear a rustle and a tall man walks out of the back room. He is Max Robison, a tan, 6'4" man with enough muscle to tear a phone book in half. His deep brown eyes turn to meet my grey ones, once they meet, his strong featured face cracked a smile. "Izzy! My girl! What brings ya here to me? Where's da Mr.?" He asked. I simply walked up to him and hugged his torso." He died, h-he was taken from me, my baby too. W-we were driving to the hospital and a drunk driver hit us. Jack saved me but my womb and m-my baby had to be removed." I sob out into his chest. I felt his strong arms wrap around my frame, as I weep. He finally spoke," Izzy, I am so sorry for your lost. Is there any way I can lessen the pain for you?"  I look up at him, tears falling down my face. "I want my revenge, I need to regain my health back. I need your help. Please I need to teach the asshole that took my family away from me a lesson. Please Max." I could see the anger rise in him as he heard my pleads, I finally hear," Yes Izzy, I will train you again, by the time we're done. You'll be stronger than ever."

Weeks after weeks of training went by, I needed it. It gave me something to think about, to do. All the running, all the weight that I benched, all the love Max gave me took the edge off of my Jack's death. I was able to take my anger out on a punching bag, letting each punch have a fragment of my negative emotion. Max helped make sure I had a very healthy diet as well as 'home' food. Every Friday he would bring me to his house so I could have dinner with his family. He had a beautiful wife, her hair black as night, deep tan skin, hazel eyes, she had curve and style. His two sons loved me to pieces, Henry being the oldest at 5 years, and little Charlie being 2 years old. Once he explained to his wife why I would come over me and her became best friends, pretty much sisters. My movements when I fought used to be sloppy and rusty but after Max trained me, I was fast and precise. I was at full health, the muscle I lost was regained and I could fight, run. I was able to get my ass back in shape, after Max trained me physically, he brought me to a friend to learn how to used a knife and gun again. My shots, at first, weren't very accurate nor was my knife skills good anymore. But after a few weeks of training I could take the friend down easily. Oh don't worry, I still kept tabs on Alexander. I would always check in on him, even when he was discharged, I followed him to his house to make sure the address was correct and I did follow up to see his job as a business man was actually correct. Which it was, so now I needed the files for Crystal and Derrick Johnson. That meant going back to the hospital.

That meant having to see my husband corpse as well as my baby's corpse.

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