The Door

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Hi pups- I'm SO sorry I haven't updated in so long. But- you can help me! I'm on Wattpad more if you message me through it- and I'm happy to talk to you and hear your ideas. I am fluent in English, Spanish, and French so don't be afraid to message me if you read in a different language! Thanks pups- here's your new chapter!
Chase P.O.V.

I woke up. It was dark- but something was different. Different from the other times I had been kidnapped. It was...almost...friendly. Suddenly the feeling came back in my body. I was lying on something soft. A bed. My eyes adjusted to the dark. I was in a room. A bedroom! There was a light next to the bed. I flipped the switch, and the room lit up. The room had blue walls, with a picture of me on the wall. Why is my picture there? I went to the door- it was unlocked. I stepped out- and found I was at the end of a hallway. I walked the other direction- skipping all of the other 7 doors. At the end of the hallway there was a staircase up- and I followed it up. At the top of the staircase it came to a door. The door opened into a small room- then closed behind me. I turned around- but it was locked. I looked up- and saw padding. I pushed up- and the passage opened out. I climbed up the metal rungs on the wall- and found myself in the floor of the Lookout. There was a trapdoor under the cushions of the couch! Then a felt a prick on my back leg- and saw a tranquilizer dart. Everything faded away...

Maverick P.O.V.

I dragged Chase down back into the hidden bunker house- unsure of how he escaped. I threw him back into his room roughly- this time making sure to lock the door. Across the hall was a pink door. Skye's room. Inside, Skye was chained to the bed.  She was being bad- trying to escape. She had also regained her full memory. I came in, and she growled to see me. I took the duck tape off her mouth and kissed her. She bit my lip. "OW!  You asked for it now!" I yelled. "You know that there's no way you can win!  I know-......."  She was cut off as a hit her in the head with a baseball bat. She slumped unconscious. I locked the door- and continued walking down the hall. I stopped at the last door. I looked in- the dog was still unconscious. I walked back up and into the Lookout...

???? P.O.V.
It was dark. I had pretended to be asleep when my captor came in. When they left, I turned back on the lights. I had my first look around the room. On the wall I saw a picture of a blue-furred pup. A picture of Maverick. A picture of me...

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