Chapter 6

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Ben stopped and looked up quickly, he knew that sound all too well. A helicopter emerged from the treetops, gliding slowly over their heads. Ben was still catching his breath and trying to calm down after the noise had dissipated. He looked at Radcliff and saw that he was a little flustered from the noise as well. The sliding glass door crashed open causing them to both jump. Taylor came out looking irritated. He swiped his box of cigarettes off of the patio table and stumbled to pull one out of the package.

"What's wrong?" asked Radcliff.

"The fucking news."

"That's why I don't watch it," grumbled Ben.

"They are wanting prior service to reenlist. Recruiters are going door to door asking vets to come back."

Ben almost dropped his beer and felt the air leave his lungs. His mind started racing as images flooded his mind. Before anyone could process what was just said, Reyes and Wyatt came out to the patio.

"Hell yes! We will be ready for those infidel bastards! Once I'm done with them, they can meet their fucking 72 virgins."

Ben looked up at Wyatt who was roaring with laughter after his proclamation.

"What's that all about?" asked Radcliff watching Wyatt's eyes dance with excitement.

"Things are getting hot out in the Middle East. They are wanting to send more troops that way. I'm ready to kick some turban ass!"

Ben's stomach felt on fire as he watched Wyatt cackle like a hyena. His mind was going a mile a minute before he couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"You have no fucking clue do you?"

Wyatt stopped laughing and gave Ben a puzzled look. Radcliff turned and felt a slight panic. Ben's face was turning red and his muscles throughout this arms were flexed.

"You have no fucking clue what happens out there. War is not fucking dandelions and roses!"

Ben's fists clenched as he watched Wyatt's face turn into a smirk. Wyatt chucked under his breathe ignoring the intense stares from his comrades around him.

"I don't give a shit what it is. Those people fucking deserve it. I would have expected an old timer like yourself to feel the same way."

Ben felt himself start to lose control. His breath was quickening while his arms shivered in rage.

"You fucking no good piece of shit Private! You will watch what you say to me! I swear you better keep your mouth shut about things you don't understand or I will beat the living shit out of you."

"What the fuck, man?! You need to chill the hell out."

"I don't need some egotistical kid telling me how much fun fucking war is going to be and how much ass he's going to kick when he has no fucking clue what he's talking about."

"Don't put it out on me that your wounded ass has probably caused people to die because you aren't there. That's on you, not me."

Ben felt the blood rush from his head and his mouth went dry. Everyone stood in shock staring at Wyatt who was smirking slightly in response. Ben felt a war cry leave his lungs in a sudden rage he could not control. His vision turned red as he lunged at Wyatt. He didn't feel any pain in his body. Just the overflow of adrenaline rushing through him as he threw punch after punch against Wyatt's shocked face.

The exhilaration was addicting as he threw him to the ground like a rag doll ready to continue the blows to release the fury that was building up inside him. He suddenly felt three pairs of hands struggle to pull him off of Wyatt. He couldn't make out what they were saying as they continued to tug on him. Someone threw their arm around Grayson's neck forcing him to stumble back away from Wyatt. He twisted away from the chokehold and turned to see it was Radcliff.

"Grayson, I don't want to see you kill the guy. Just calm down for a second."

Ben was heaving with rage. Images of torn bodies, sand, blood, and faces of those gone clouded his vision. He put his hands on his head and closed his eyes. He was still overcome with memories that were better forgotten. He shut his eyes tighter and breathed in heavily wanting to rid himself of all this. Radcliff put his hand on his back saying something incoherent to him. All he could hear were the gun shots and the screams of his dying friend.

Ben shoved Radcliff away and stumbled to the side overwhelmed with the mental anguish that he was drowning in. He needed to get away. He needed to leave. He needed to run away from this growing anger inside that was ready to overtake every sense of being he had left.

  Ben stepped back and tripped on the rocky landscaping. He turned on his heel and pushed his way through the wooden door leading back to the front yard. His leg burned in excruciating pain as he attempted to lunge forward in a run towards his car.  Ben heard someone behind him but he continued to limp quickly as he fumbled in his cargo pocket for the keys. He shoved another cigarette in his mouth with a shaky hand as he swiftly sat in the driver's seat.  He needed to escape this flood of emotions and memories.  

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