Chapter 12

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Ben pulled a number in front of the patient's advocate office that was in a dark corner of the hospital. He would have missed it how small and out of place it was. Radcliff wheeled him to the side of the hallway to wait for the patient advocate to come in.

"I'm so sick of being in this wheelchair. Let me just try to get up."

"I don't think that's a good idea Grayson. Just wait for someone to show up then we can head home."

Ben waited and started to feel irritated when 8 o'clock rolled around. Still no sign of anyone. In the meantime, he filled out the form the man gave him, keeping blanks for the doctor's name since he was never introduced to him.

"Sir, are you waiting on someone?"

Ben looked up and saw a older woman smiling down at him. She wore a blue volunteer vest and seemed eager to help.

"I was told to come see the patient advocate?"

"Oh, I don't think she works here anymore."

Ben felt his face pull in confusion.

"Sir, they don't have anyone right now to replace her."

Ben flipped the paper on his lap in agitation. He tried to remained calm for the old lady's sake.

"Can I get copies of my records from the emergency visit last night so I can file it with this paperwork?"

"Absolutely! I can take you to where you need to go and file that form when you are done."

"I can take him, ma'am, while you lead us to where we need to go," said Radcliff as he grabbed the handles of the wheelchair.

"Sure.  Just follow me."

She led them to the other side of the hospital before coming to a stop in front of medical records.

"Just fill out this form and hand it to them when you are done sir.  I will be at the front of the hospital at the information desk where you can turn it in."

"Thank you ma'am."

Ben looked down at the paperwork and filled out his information followed by the date of care along with what exactly he needed.  His number was called soon after he finished.  He rolled up to the woman at the desk and handed her the sheet of paper with his ID.

"Do you need any diagnostic testing?"

Ben shook his head.

"Doctor notes?"

"Yes, please!"

The woman started printing out the records and handed it to him with his ID.  Ben thanked her while he quickly went through the paperwork.  Radcliff pushed him to the hallway and started their windy path to the front of the hospital.

"You have got to be fucking kidding me," said Ben as he continued to read the notes.

"What is it?" asked Radcliff as he slowed down. 

"Patient complains of pain in left lower extremity.  Does have history of trauma in leg.  No recent falls...."

"That's funny because you did fall trying to strangle that doctor from what you told me."

Ben scoffed at Radcliff and continued to read, "No clear indication of the reason of his pain."

Radcliff snorted behind him again. 

"Patient was seen walking without a gait, tying his shoes, and joking with his friend."

Radcliff stopped the wheelchair causing Ben to feel himself being pushed forward.

"What the fuck?  Who wrote that???"

"The triage nurse," said Ben as his hand gripped the wheelchair tightly.

"You have got to be shitting me.  That fucking bitch."

Ben felt a groan rumble in his chest.  It took all that he had not to leap from the chair and run to the ER to talk to a supervisor.   But, he knew he couldn't physically do either of those things.  Ben quickly grabbed the complaint and scribbled on there a few more notes hoping it was legible with his shaky hand. 

"Let's go, Radcliff."

Radcliff pushed him to the front of the hospital and dropped off the paperwork with the doctor notes attached to the smiling volunteer that helped them earlier.  Ben kept quiet in his wheelchair trying to keep from panic with the sudden influx of people.  Veterans, employees, and caregivers.  They were all walking in and out of the hospital suddenly making Ben very claustrophobic.  Especially since he wasn't standing up but contained in the wheelchair. 

"Grayson, you alright?"

Ben looked up at Radcliff and realized his hands were gripping the wheelchair for dear life.  Ben nodded.  Radcliff started wheeling him to the car.  Ben sighed a breath of relief when he finally sat in the car.  He wanted to be rid of this place. 

"Let's go home," said Ben when Radcliff jumped in the driver's seat.

"You sure you don't want to come by my place?"

Ben shook his head, "You need your rest."

"You still need to be seen."

"Nah, I'll make it.  I've been dealing with this for how long now?"

Radcliff nodded and started their journey back to town. 

The Veteran Left Behind - ON HOLDحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن