Happy Birthday Scott!!!

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What does Little Scotty want for his birthday today, let's find out shall we...

It's September 17 and you know what that means....

"Happy birthday my lovely baby boy." Avi said picking up Scott and swinging him around.

"Ok Avi, don't break him ok." Kevin said as Scott just laughed loudly.

"It's ok because my baby like it." Avi said kissing Scott's cheek rapidly which sprung more laughter from the boy.

"Ok big boy, today you are one." Kevin said holding out his arms for Scott.

Scott gladly went over and hugged his Papa.

"Dummmm." Scott making noises tried.

"Can you say Papa or Mommy today?" Kevin asked.

"Mmm dummm." Scott muttered smiling slobbing.

"Your teeth still coming in, maybe Papa can get you something for that later." Kevin said.

"Well enough of that, it's time for breakfast plus everyone is coming over." Avi said going downstairs.

"Time to eat-eat little man." Kevin said going downstairs.

They had a relatively ok breakfast.

"Ok time for the birthday boy to have a bath and get on his clothes." Avi said taking him upstairs to the bathroom.

After getting Scott ready and putting him into his playpen, Avi and Kevin quickly got ready themselves.


"That must be the guests." Avi said coming downstairs opening the door.

"HELLO THERE IS NO NEED TO FEAR, GODDADDY IS HERE!" Toddy said coming in with gifts and his arms up posing.

"Hi Todrick." Avi rolled his eyes.

"Oh stop it you love me." Toddy said hugging Avi.

Scott was standing bouncing holding his arms out for Todrick.

"AH MY BABY!" Todrick said picking up Scott and hugging him spinning around.

"Hey Avi." Jesse said coming in as well with more gifts.

"Hi Jesse, need some help?" Avi asked.

"Nope just tell me where these go." Jesse said.

"They go right there on that table." Avi said pointing him to the right spot.

Jesse put the gifts down and went by Todrick.

"Hi Scotty baby!" Jesse said picking Scott from Todrick.

"He absolutely loves you guys so much." Kevin said coming downstairs.

"KEVIN!" Todrick hugged him.

"Hi Todrick." Kevin said hugging back.

"Stop stealing my man." Avi frowned.

"It's ok Avi, I still love you." Jesse said hugging Avi.


"Oooo more guest!" Avi said opening the door.

"HI!" Esther said hugging Avi.

"HIIII!!!" Avi hugged back.

"Brother Sister Duo is back." Todrick said opening his arms.

"You know it." Esther said hugging Todrick.

"Hi Avi." Shelly said coming in with bags.

"Hi mom, let me take that for you." Avi said taking her bags.

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