Happy Birthday Mitch!

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BECAUSE I LOVE YOU GUYS! And I actually have free time for today I willlllllllll give another chapter. WHO IS READY TO MEET MITCHY!!!!


"Ugh I hate everything right now." Avi said rinsing his mouth of the third time that day.

"you threw up again...it's almost sounds like..." Kevin started.

"I'm pregnant...AGAIN!?!?!?" Avi said.

"That's what it sounds like." Kevin said.

"After this one, if it's true, NO MORE!" Avi yelled.

"Mommy ok?" Kirstin said running in the room.

"Yes sweetie go on with Scotty ok." Avi said.

"Ok!" Kirstin said running to Scott's room.

"Well it's about to get super loud over at this place...we might need a bigger place." Kevin said.

Turns out Avi was pregnant and they all had to move out since there was no room.

Turns out Avi was pregnant and they all had to move out since there was no room

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Avi had been feeling bad all morning.

"You ok, you look pale and clammy." Kevin said.

"I think there is something wrong Kev." Avi said.

"Well let's get you to the hospital." Kevin said helping him up.

When Avi got up he heard a pop and saw water dripping from down his legs into a now decent sized puddle.

"Kevin...." Avi started panicking.

"Let's take it bit by bit ok." Kevin said getting Avi to the car and getting his bags.

Once they made it to the hospital, it was straight to surgery for Avi.

"Ok here he is." the doctor said taking out  very small baby. "Clean him well and put him in the incubator."

Avi started to cry as he saw his youngest child be sent away.

"Kevin go watch him." Avi said.

Kevin left to the NICU (Neonatal Intensive Care Unit).

"Hello sir, would you like to see your baby?" one of the nurse's asked.

Kevin nodded solemnly.

He went in and what he saw made him tear up immensely.

"Baby Kaplan-Olusola." the tag read.

Inside was a baby, half the size of Kevin's forearm, with tubes and machines all hooked up on him. Looking as fragile as if a feather could even leave a bruise.

"Oh my God, my sweet child it will be all ok for you are as strong as a lion and your heart beats strong, our sweet little Mitch." Kevin said.

The baby weakly and softly cooed.

And right then Kevin felt as if his heart had broke into two right there.

A few hours later, once Avi was up to it, he was wheeled to see his son. When they went into the room where he was, Avi could hardly breathe from crying.

"My baby, my sweet little Mitchy." Avi cried touching the incubator.

"Avi, it isn't your fault he's going to get strong everyday because you and I are here, just watch." Kevin said.

"I can't even touch him Kevin....I can't even hold him." Avi said.

Mitch started to cry weakly.

"Oh no baby, it's ok I promise you will be a ok and everything will be ok, because I'm here, I'm right here standing by." Avi said to Mitch.

Mitch slowly quiet down.

"See he hears you loud and clear." Kevin said holding Avi's shoulder.

Mitch weighed at about 3.6 when he was born. They told Avi and Kevin he had to make it to 5 lbs, before they could take him out and he would be able to leave. 

Kirstie and Scott came to visit.

"Mommy why is he so small?" Scott asked.

"Baby...small." Kirstie said.

"Because babies, he was a premature baby, which means he's smaller than a regular sized baby." Avi said.

"Well he will grow right Mommy and then he can play with me and Kirstie!" Scott said happily.

"...Yeah honey of course." Avi said slowly trying not to cry.

"Grow up well Mitchy!" Scott told Mitch through the plastic container he was in.

They all had some up's and downs. Avi and Kevin were only able ot hold Mitch for a few minutes at a time.

"My sweet baby, I'm sorry about this, if Mommy was a bit stronger." Avi said softly.

"Avi stop...you've barely slept, you aren't eating....and my doctor senses are telling me that you are depressed..." Kevin said.

"I just don't know what I can do, I can't even take care of him correctly Kevin." Avi said emotionless.

"Baby I scheduled you with a therapist that specializes in postpartum depression." Kevin said.

Avi teared up and cried.

"I'm sorry I can't help...." 

After a few weeks of therapy, Avi was back to normal and Mitch had grown.

"Well Papa and Mommy, you would be glad to know Mitch is now 5lbs and healthy!" the nurse said.

"Oh thank you so much for taking care of my baby." Avi said smiling.

"No problem, I am so happy to have met you all." the nurse said.

"Ready to go home, Mitchy?" Avi smiled as he picked up the carrier.

Mitch cooed in his seat.

Kevin and Avi made it home and finally their family was complete.

WOW Ok so it's 1 AM and I have to be up at 8 because I have a interview. But I hope you enjoyed this. Y'all know the drill. Comment and give a scenario if you want. Please and thank you. I really appreciate it. Thanks for always reading and if you are new glad to meet you. Welcome!

Until Next Time Mindly_Insane

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