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Viola bursted through the door. "GUYYS!" She yelled. ".. What?" Skye, Dark Blitz, and Shadow looked at her. "So uh.. Celtic and Rocky had an epic battle... And now Celtic is stuck under a rock." Skye just face palmed. "Are you serious?!? First we lose our teammate and now Celtic is stuck under a rock?!? Great, this is just great.."

While Skye was throwing his tantrums of sorts, Shadow and Dark Blitz spoke to Viola. "Are they ok?" They asked. "Yeah they're fine! Also, I hugged a monster to death! By giving it an electrical hug!" "Oh, nice." "By the way, I've heard there's been corrupted monsters around lately.."

Skye stopped and looked at Viola. "Corrupted... Monsters..?" "Yeah, there's been a lot lately which is unusual..." "That's so strange... I thought there were barely any corrupted monsters by now.." "If you don't mind me asking.. What's a corrupted monster?"

The three looked at Shadow, who was confused at what they were talking about. "Well you see... Corrupted monsters are different from just regular monsters... And no one doesn't exactly know how they're formed and why they're around.."

"That's so strange.." Shadow said. "Yeah, and some elements have been disappearing for some reason and no one has found some of them. We think someone is the cause of corrupted monsters forming and elements suddenly disappearing." Skye said. "That's why elements have been searching for a long time to find out where monsters are coming from, why and how corrupted monsters are forming, and they're looking for they're lost teammates."

"Another thing is that some elements are actually able to heal corrupted monsters. So we learned that creatures have been forming into them." "Hey, would that mean elements are possibly turning into corrupted monsters somehow too..?" Shadow questioned. Viola tapped her chin. "I don't know, but it could be possible." "Yeah, let's just hope that's not the case."

ElementsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora