Her part 3

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We talked.. For a long time.. I was happy because I actually made a friend. Melody and I got to know each other just a little bit, and surprising enough we had some things in common. The two of us hanged out for years. She introduced me to new things, places, and all sorts of stuff. I came over to her house a lot and the two of us sat down on the couch and watched anime, or played different games. She taught me lots of things and made me feel free and cared about. She made me feel safe. She meant so much to me.. Her.. Melody.. And soon enough I found myself always being by her side and protecting her. I got mad at anyone who touched her. I couldn't quite comprehend the feelings I had towards her. Until I finally realized.. That I loved her.. I love Melody..

Things changed over the years. I found myself getting jealous about others getting more attention from Melody than me. Melody also had became part of a group called Griffin. It consisted the members Reina, Raven, Pyro, and they're leader Crystal Rose. Me and Crystal Rose had bad chemistry with each other. I hated her. She was very inconsiderate about my feelings, thoughts, and opinions on things. And she was very judgmental. She wonders why I don't talk to her. Well.. It's because she can't shut up. And she supposedly has feelings towards Melody. I feel like she purposely does stuff to make me jealous. She keeps me out of conversations she has with Melody so I don't get a chance to speak to Melody. No matter how hard I tried to fit in and change myself to do so, I still couldn't be like them. I felt like there was a problem with me and that there was a problem with being myself. One thing I have noticed about Crystal Rose is that she has dated people before. She liked others before she liked Melody. I guess she just wants to not be alone and just have someone in her life. Which that's not a problem. But she needs to lay off of Melody and find someone else. She takes relationships too fast and makes people feel uncomfortable. That's why her relationships end so easily. I wouldn't want Melody to end up in that state. Heh, and I still hate Crystal to this day.

I didn't talk to Melody after dealing with feeling left out and feeling like I wasn't being payed attention to. So I left and didn't talk to Melody for years. I just wish she could understand how I was feeling instead of just saying that it's okay. Because the feelings and emotions I've hidden are not okay. Ever since, I've never been the same. I was still nice and happy and all of that unicorn and rainbow crap. I had a smile on my face. But really deep inside I was hurting and dying inside. I've felt like my heart could shatter, and it still does. Because I regret the love that I have for Her...

Dark Blitz looked at Shadow. "So.. Now you know.." She sighs. "If you'll excuse me, I'd like you to go away and leave me be.."

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