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Rockwell was doing some experiments in his lab. You walked in to see him. Rockwell is a mutant monkey while you are a ringtail lemur.  "Good morning (Y/N) how are you?" Rockwell asked. You walked over and kissed his cheek. "I am fine my love." You said. Rockwell paused from doing his experiment and looked up to kiss you. You giggled as he kissed you. "How's your experiment coming?" You asked as you pulled away. "Ugh not good. I can't seem to get this blasted thing to work!" He said as he levitated a bottle of some type of chemical  to himself. He poured a drop of the chemical into the beaker in front of him. The chemical in the beaker turned a bright pink and began bubble uncontrollably. "That's not good!" Rockwell said his eyes widening. The bubbling only got worse. "Get down!" Rockwell yelled as he pushed you to the ground. A loud boom was heard as the beaker exploded. You and Rockwell slowly got up still a little shaken from the explosion. "Oh great my experiment is completely destroyed! That took me over a month to create!" Rockwell cried. You placed a hand on his shoulder and gave him a sympathetic look. "I'm sorry I distracted you from your work so it got destroyed." You said looking down. "Oh no you have  nothing to be sorry for my love. If anything I should be sorry for not spending more time with you." Rockwell said as he pulled you in for a kiss. "I love you." You said with a giggle. "I love you as well my sweet." Rockwell said as he dipped you down and gave you another kiss.

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