9/11 Conspiracy Theories Pt.2

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Fake Phone Calls
     There is quite a bit of speculation surrounding the phone calls made by victims of the 9/11 plane hijackings. A lot of things don't quite add up.
     For one, there is no way that your cell phone could work from high altitudes. Cell phone towers do not spread their signal that far for a reason, and it's to not mess with plane signals, so a phone wouldn't have been able to send or receive any calls. This is especially true for the year the attacks happened, in 2001. The cell phones that the average civilian owned at that time were nowhere near as developed as the phones we have now, and struggled to keep a call connected even while on the ground. Despite this, the phone calls released to the public made from the victims were very clear and audible, which raises some red flags.
     Secondly, some of the calls themselves seemed suspicious. A lot of the victims were calling family members and introducing themselves with their whole name. If you call a relative, especially parents or siblings, there's no reason to give your full name; they should know who you are. Some family members of victims even said that they could not recognize the voice on the line.

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