Flight 370

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      The disappearance of Malaysian Airline Flight 370 is arguably one of the most baffling occurrences in recorded history.

      Before going into the conspiracy theories, it's important to know the facts. Flight 370 went missing on March 8th, 2014. The plane had 239  people on board, 227 passengers and 12 crew members. Flight 370 took off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport , and was en route to Beijing Capital International Airport when it disappeared from air traffic control's radars.  It last made contact with air traffic control at 1:19 MYT, 3 minutes before it disappeared from ATC radars. It continued to be tracked on Malaysian military radars until 2:22, when it left their range over the Andaman Sea. The only part found of the aircraft was a flaperon (part of the plane's wing) that washed ashore on Réunion Island, which was discovered on July 29th, 2015.

      The flight was assumed lost with no survivors, and is thought to have likely crashed somewhere in the sea. To date, the official story is that the plane crashed in an unknown location (more than likely somewhere in the Indian Ocean), and everyone on board died. This official statement, however, has been critiqued and scrutinized by many, leading to many theories. Many theorists say the official story is completely false, claiming that if a plane that large did happen to crash into water, it would hit the water with such velocity that it would break into many, many different pieces, a lot of which would be able to float (such as seat cushions), and eventually wash up on shore.

     One theory, which doesn't have much evidence but is still quite plausible, is that the plane was hijacked, possibly in the form of a terrorist attack.There are a few ways this theory goes.  Some believe that either terrorists hijacked the plane, landed it in some unknown location, and held everyone on board hostage. Some believe in the previous statement, but suggest that passengers and flight crew were killed by the hijackers. Finally, some believe that the plane was hijacked, but eventually ended up crashing in an unknown location. 

     A few people believe that the plane disappearance was due to a suicide planned by the pilot. Theorists claim that the reason the plane disappeared off of Air Traffic Control radars is because the pilot himself interfered with the reception, along with that of the radio communications. It is then assumed that the pilot crash landed in an unknown location, killing everyone on board and destroying the plane.

     According to a CNN study, 9% of respondents claim to believe that Malaysia Flight 370 was taken by aliens or time travelers. Both are far-fetched, but, as what happened to Flight 370 is still a mystery, both are plausible. Neither really have any evidence at all that they could be true, but then again, neither does the official story. If you DO believe that aliens exist, it may make sense to you that they abducted an aircraft for observation purposes. It would also make sense that the plane lost transmission with ATC, as whatever presumed aliens would've used to abduct the plane would more than likely interfere with any radio waves keeping the plane in contact with ground control while on Earth, and eventually take the plane out of reach of signal waves. 

     As the days of uncertainty go by, more theories arise. We may never really know what happened to Flight 370. 

    Or maybe we already know.

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