Hit by a Meteorite

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I woke up and I was on the floor. I had a massive headache. I noticed my clothes looked burned and I looked filthy. I noticed the front cover of my diary  also looked like it had been on fire. I stood up and I felt dizzy. I picked up my diary and decided to go home.

When I got home my mom was so worried she kept asking me
"What happened?!!" But all I could say was "Meteorite"
Mom took me too the hospital and the second I lied down on the hospital bed I blacked out.

Tuesday (at least I think so)
I woke up in the hospital and I saw Riley with..... Angelo and Eli?! What the hell was he doing here ugh! Riley's eyes lit up like the fourth of  July when she noticed I was awake.
"You're alive! Thank God you're alive!!" She said while giving me a hug.
"Don't strangle her! She just woke up." Said Angelo
I looked at Eli and he didn't really looked like he cared about me but honestly I didn't care about his stupid opinion.
"What happened to you?" Asked Riley
"Wha-- I don't know." I said while I was confused.
"I'll tell you what happened. She did all this to avoid doing our project cause she's lazy."said Eli
"Lazy?! You and those bastards you call friends are the ones who left me to do all the work and what are you even doing here?! GET OUT!"
Eli just left without saying a word. Just once I wish Eli could feel the same pain I felt. I mean why would I burn myself just to avoid doing work.
"Ahhhh!!!!" I heard Eli scream.
I jumped out of the hospital bed to go check on Eli with Riley and Angelo. And I was surprised to see Eli on the floor. He wasn't looking where he was going and he bumped into a guy who was carrying..... A microwave?!!
Angelo went to help his brother and Riley went to help him too but I didn't . After everything he has done to me why should I help him?
"Shelly? Shelly Oh my God you're alright!" My mom said cheerfully while hugging me.
Before I could even reply mom spoke again
"Why are you out in the hallway go back to your hospital room and relax before you faint."
Mom rushed me back into the room and forced me to sit down on the bed. A few minutes later the doctor and Stevie, my dad came into the room. Like my mom they was relieved to see I was awake.
"Now could you please tell me what happened to you?" Asked the doctor.
I told him what I remembered. After thinking for awhile he came to a conclusion.
"You were hit by a meteorite."
I was like whaaaatt??? And my parents had the same reaction.
"You're very lucky to be alive. You will stay in the hospital for one more day to make sure nothing is wrong. If nothing is wrong with you then you will be discharged."
After explaining what happened, the doctor left the room. Once Stevie saw I was alright he decided to make fun of me.
"Tsk tsk tsk how on earth did you manage to get yourself hit by a meteorite I mean you were looking at the stars. Why didn't you think about running?"
I would have argued with him but it was true I should have ran. So I just told him.
"Shut up!"
He smiled at me. The thought of knowing he was probably right was one  of the best things that could happen to him. Riley and Angelo walked into the room.
"How is he?" I surprised myself by asking that question
"He's fine. He nearly broke his arm though. That klutz!" Said Angelo.
"So he isn't hurt?"
"He is. His arm hurts so bad that when the doctor touched it he started crying." Said Riley
"Really." I said trying not to sound enthusiastic. Honestly I wish I saw that. But even tho he has been mean to me that doesn't mean I should be happy something bad happened to him or pray for something bad to happen. That would just make me as bad as he is.
Anyway got 2 go now
Mom keeps saying I should rest
Remember to
if you like it:)
thanks for reading my story

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