Later that day

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I was walking down the hall. Just minding my own business when I heard Cynthia's voice
"How DARE you?! Do you know who the f I AM?!!"
"I'm sorry." Said Tina nervously
Tina is the girl who does every popular's homework. You know, that girl who thinks she's important to the team but really is more like a prop. Tina is a rude, mean and a total b**** which is why I don't feel sorry for her when I see people like Bianca or Cynthia treat her like garbage.

"I can't believe how incompetent you are! Now thanks to you my shirt is missing one diamond!"
I know a lot of you are probably rolling you're eyes right now. But if there's one thing I know about rich kids from experience is that when it comes to buying things like diamonds, we usually buy the REAL thing.
Tina stood there. Trembling. Cynthia was giving her one of the most evil, cold and icy stare ever to be given.

But honestly in a way Cynthia has no-one but herself to blame. I mean like who wears a $1000 dress covered in diamonds to school?

 I mean like who wears a $1000 dress covered in diamonds to school?

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I'm surprised that it was only one that fell off. Unfortunately for Cynthia the one that fell off was the big one that everyone would notice was missing. Why can't Cynthia just dress like a normal human being instead of a barbie doll? She either dresses like a barbie doll by wearing barbie clothes or she dresses like she is having a wedding, barbie style!
But I guess I shouldn't complain since I only wear black.

Tina accidentally tripped and knocked-off one of the diamonds which put Cynthia in a bad mood.

Later that day, something happened and it put Eli in a bad mood. He was texting on his phone when Bianca walked... No sashayed over to him.
"Hey Eli." She said while battering her fake eyelashes
Eli looked up from his phone screen
"So I was wondering about a certain secret."
Eli rolled his eyes and he obliviously knew where this was going.
"How many times must I tell you to mind your own business?"
"It's not fair! Why can't I know?"
"Cause it's non of you're business!"
"But it's not fairrrrr!!" Bianca complained
"Will you just shut up!" Snapped Eli
Honestly I don't blame him for yelling at her. She'd been bugging him ever since what happened yesterday
"I can't believe you I'm telling my daddy!"
Bianca ran off. That incident just put him in a bad mood and to make things worse Bianca started twisting the story and said that she got HIT.

Unfortunately for Eli, the school principal heard he gave him double detention time. Eli was soo angry. And something tells me that it's only a matter of time before the rum ours about Bianca getting hit becomes true.

There is no way I can go to detention today. Why am I even going in the first place it's not my fault. I might be bullied but I ain't no saint.
I'm SKIPPING detention!!!
If I do that I would be disobeying my teachers........ SCREW THEM! Why do we even need schools when we have the internet. Don't even get me started on how annoying teachers can be! Ugh!

I looked around to see if any teacher was watching me and sure enough there was one teacher watching me. It was my least favorite....... Wait a second I don't like any teacher in this school. It was the meanest teacher, Mr Hunt. If he caught me trying to skip detention then I could kiss my life goodbye.
I knew I had to come up with a plan. So I did.

When the last period was over, I went to the girls bathroom and I looked for some hair dye cause believe it or not girls at this school actually leave hair dye in the bathroom. I found some green and blue hair dye. Then I went to the lost and found and I got some clothes. Sure they were smelly and probably disease carriers, but if they help me escape detention that's fine by me:)

I went to my locker to get my stuff then I walked down the hall towards the exist. Eli saw me and he looked nervous and I thought 'That's unusual'

As I was walking down the hall I heard someone calling my name.... Well to be more accurate my surname
"Miss Holmes? Has anyone seen Miss Holmes?"
I turned around and I saw the principal. I started running toward the door and I heard Mr Hunt calling me
"Hey you, stop! Who are you?"
I can't believe this. My disguise was meant to help me hide from Hunt not make me the centre of his attention!
I ran faster and I started wishing to disappear. And I close my eyes and fell. But I didn't see myself on the floor at school. I saw myself at John's house.

Oh well here we go again :/ at least I'm less clueless now:)

Remember to
Sorry for this cruddy chapter. I wrote it in a hurry. Promise to make better ones.
Thank you for 2k+ reads

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