Wednesday (Body switch part1)

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OMG!! Today has been the most crazy day I've ever lived through.

I still can't believe what happened! Why can't I just have a normal life like everyone else?

This crazy day started when I woke up 10mins before school started because I forgot to set me alarm clock.

I jumped out of bed, tripped and landed on my face. Ouch! I ran toward the bathroom and started put toothpaste on my toothbrush then I got into the shower and had my bath and cleaned my teeth. Then I quickly blow dried my hair and ran out of the bathroom I wore a black tank top with trousers and a leather jacket. I put on my perfume and make up then I went downstairs for breakfast 🍳

I looked at the time, I had already used 7mins. I looked for something to eat which took me 30secs. I decided to take an apple and 2bars of chocolate 🍫. Then I then I teleported my self to school. For SOME reason I ended up standing in the toilet, and it's not just any toilet........ 

It's the boy's toilet!!!!!


And there are boys HERE


And one of them is ELI


'Ok calm down Shelly' I gave my self a pep talk then I thought about turning myself invisible but I got distracted by 2 key words

"Guy talk"

Which in my school is boy code for let's talk about girls
I couldn't resist.

"So Eli whose the new boo?" Asked guy 1
"That's classified." Said Eli
"C'mon man. You can tell us ain't no girls listening." Said guy2
"Maybe Lindy? Or Alice? I'm still trying to pick one." Said Eli
"Really? Not Bianca or Poppy?" Said guy3
"Nah. Bianca is just a dumb b**** who thinks she is important and Poppy is a shameless whore"

OMG 😲!! I can't believe Eli is actually trash talking them like that. After everything they have done to try please him. After all the times they helped him.

" I would rather kiss a rat than those two." Said Eli
"What about smell-hell-y?" Asked guy4
"She is the rat." Said Eli
And they all laughed

I just rolled my eyes.
"I don't know what my bro sees in her. She is just an ugly, annoying, pathetic girl. Who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air we do." Continued Eli
"I bet she was born ugly." Said guy1
"Actually she was born cute. That's why I use to crush on her."
Said all the guys. Including me! The shock from what Eli said cause me to loose my balance and fall.

I quickly got up and stayed quiet. One of the guys came and knocked on the door.
"Anyone there?" Asked guy3
I kept quiet
"Dude obviously someone is there." Said guy2
"But they didn't say anything." Replied guy3
"Duh! Dipstick what do you expect them to do?" Said guy1
"I expect them to say no-one" replied guy3
"Idiot." Said guy4
"Enough with the bulls***. Come out and show us you're face it we're coming in." Said Eli
I started to panic
What do I do now?

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