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The party last night was fantastic. The look on Draco's face. Ha. That was three times yesterday that I'd wiped the smirk off his face. It's exceptionally funny and kind of like a sport to me. And while I think about it, I'd better add the memory to my diary before I forget about it or someone has need of my presence elsewhere.

"Drink! Drink! Drink!" we all chanted at Blaise, sat in the circle, a shot of Ogden's Old Fire Whiskey in his hand. He poured it into his mouth as quickly as possible and sat the cup down as he began choking on the horrific stuff. Can't see why anyone would drink that out of choice, it's truly vile. That doesn't mean I can't drink it though; I'm more than capable at handling my drink.

Play moved on and everyone focused on the next person in the ring, Pansy Parkinson.

"Never have I ever fancied someone from Gryffindor," Pansy said. We all groaned. No one drunk. Duh. Who would, dumbass? She's so thick, and her make-up perhaps metaphorically proved just how very thick she was. Layer upon layer of foundation that had set and begun to crack everytime she smiled; a coral lipstick that did nothing for her palid skintone (however fake) whatsoever; and heavy black eyeliner that made her already piggy eyes sink so far back into their sockets that she seemed in danger of losing them altogether.

"Right," Draco yelled, standing up so he got everyone's attention. "Never have I ever... Fallen in love." Interesting. I picked up a shot glass from the tray. He may not have fallen in love but I certainly have. I saw Natalie looking disappointed across the other side of the circle, an empty glass in front of her. Now that too is interesting information. Aren't best friends supposed to tell each other everything, especially gossip on guys - who they love, who they hate - everything. And we would...if we were actually best friends. Sometimes we are, sometimes we aren't. At points we've been like sisters, others I would've been quite happy never to see her again. So that got me wondering, who has she loved? Or who she loves now?

Draco was also looking at Natalie in a confused manner. They've known each other for years, since they were born I believe, but clearly the love thing isn't something she's confided in him about either. Draco then turned his head to me and I blew him a flirty kiss and he winked back at me cheekily. I lifted my glass to my cherry red lips, licked them slowly and  threw my shot back. I felt all the hairs on the back of my neck stand up as I swallowed the vile concoction down in one. I put the glass back on the tray and smiled back at Draco who had an eyebrow raised at me. Wouldn't he like to know.

The game lasted another half an hour perhaps, I was tipsy and the time that passed by held no real importance to me. But at some point later that night we Fifth Years, and a few older students, got into a game of Seven Minutes in Heaven. Two hats were being used, one for the boys where the girls had placed an object (mine the lipstick I was wearing) and vice versa.  So far the couples had been amusing: Nat had been stuck with Theo Nott, who generally shows no emotion or any ability to talk. Then Pansy had ended up with a Sixth Year who came out of the cupboard looking bedraggled and like he wanted to hex the living daylights out of Parkinson. She was still sat on his lap as the party came to a close two hours later. Poor boy. Maeve had ended up with her boyfriend (clearly no cheating went on there) and Aurelia I know spent the seven minutes sitting in silence with Blaise. When it was Draco's turn he reached his hand into the hat and pulled out a small object, shiny and black, that when he held up I recognised as my lipstick case. I sauntered over, all eyes on me as I reached out and took it out of Draco's hand before taking that too and leading him into the dark cupboard to much applause and wolf-whistling.

Seven minutes could either be a very long time or a very short time, quite depending on A) what kind of person you are and B) who you are stuck in said cupboard with.

For Draco and I, seven minutes was an exceptionally short amount of time, almost pointless really but I wasn't one to complain at the chance of some time alone with the Slytherin Prince. Twice in one day had to be some sort of record really; I'm a lucky girl, I'll tell you. His kisses sent me into an ecstasy fuelled by his mouth and the drink from earlier. His lips burnt my skin as they trailed down my neck, across my exposed shoulder and back along the neckline of the dress I was wearing. His hands clung at my waist and his fingers were twisted in with the ends of my long honey waves.

"We really must stop doing this," he said breathlessly. I laughed once. Now I could either be cruel or be kind here. I decided on cruel: make him wait, show him up a little and make him want me more.

I put one finger to his lips and kissed his cheek right next to them, leaving a red stain behind. I traced an 'X' over his mouth with my nail and turned away slightly.

"If you insist."

There were a few astounded faces when I walked out of the cupboard early, and without Draco. I shrugged at them off-handishly before going to find a drink and a sofa in a dark corner to relax into for the remainder of the evening.

I stayed there for the remaining hours of the party, talking intermittently to a very drunk Goyle who had collapsed next to me some time after I first sat down. My wine glass had been empty for a good while, I was practically sober and the party was dying down so I decided to leave. I passed an ego-bruised Draco as I headed for the door, who was having a frank conversation with Blaise, no doubt trying to redeem himself to his wingman. I had my hand on the door handle when Blaise touched my back to gain my attention.

"You sure are a smart one Kayla. I don't know what game you're playing or where this is going, but it sure is working. He's definitely hurt, I don't think he's ever been rejected like that before, but it's only made him more eager," Blaise told me calmly in a smooth voice, a slight grin curling his lips at the sides.

"I have no idea what you're taking about Mr Zabini," I stated with a cunning wink. "I don't ever play such risky games with people's hearts. Unless I know I'm going to win." He smiled down at me.

"Walk me to my dorm?" I asked him. He held out his arm for me and I took it and walked with him out of the room, knowing full well what Draco would assume. Blaise had as much of a players reputation as Draco did. His was probably less deserved however, but on this occasion, I was happy to use this misconception to my advantage.

I closed my diary, fingers running over the fine filigree engravings on the cover. I had kissed Blaise when I got to the Common Room; obviously not to rile Draco but for a bet with a Sixth Year Ravenclaw - Olive Beaumont. She thinks she's the IT Girl of the Hogwarts dating department, I'm wanted to prove her wrong, so the bet entails seeing who can kiss the most guys this year. Blaise was just the first rung on my ladder of success. And there's no way he'll tell Draco because he'll only get accused of starting it and then they'll fall out if what Blaise said about him liking me was true.

I hid the diary in the trunk under my bed and locked it with a flick of my wand, which I then tucked away back in my bag. I was just standing up when Aurelia walked in, a dazed expression on her face. She's far too sweet, I can hardly believe she's my cousin at times. But I do love her for it, she's the only one that'll get out of here without gaining a reputation for being an evil bitch like the rest of our family managed to earn ourselves.

"Hey 'Relia," I said as she curled up in a ball on her four-poster. I got no response and my guess was she was either still tired or hungover from last night. Most of the Slytherins had been over theirs by morning break; getting up early and being forced into lessons had obviously been an efficient enough shock to their systems to clear their heads. Aurelia however had always been delicate and dainty and she would probably still be like this this evening.

"I'll tell Professor Flitwick that you're feeling ill," I said, but had no idea if she heard me. I left her to it and swung out of the door, heels clicking on the stone steps as I strode down the stairs and through the Common Room to meet the others for Charms.

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