June - Part Two

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The voices blurred through the white noise in my ears, a constant buzzing and ringing that wouldn't go away. I didn't need to open my eyes to know who they belonged to though.

The first was my mother, who had undoubtably been flooed in under Narcissa's orders. She was trying to be helpful bless her, but I didn't need that woman here now.

The second was Narcissa herself.

The last was the one I was happiest about hearing. Draco. His voice was the most concerned, the most loving. It had a warmth to it that made me want to sit up, pull him towards me, hug him.

I tried moving but my body was asleep and not responding to my orders. I could feel my eyes moving and my chest rising and falling, but besides that I was completely numb. I tried to open my eyes but they were so heavy and I barely managed a crack.

I heard the two female voices further away, talking quietly between themselves, my mother's pitch rising steadily higher until she seemed hysterical. I heard Narcissa telling her to calm down. I could hear footsteps from somewhere further away, maybe downstairs, maybe outside the door. Over all of that I could hear Draco breathing beside my ear, quietly and in time with my own. I could feel his warm breath on my neck, and could picture him slumped forwards in a chair onto the bed, head next to mine, platinum locks mixing with golden ones on the pillow. Maybe he was holding my hand, I didn't know because I still couldn't feel anything, but I hoped. He still doesn't know I'm awake. Inside I'm awake anyway. I can't move so I can't tell him that way. I can barely open my eyes so that's no good. The only thing I can try is my voice.

It's a tremendous effort to get it to work, and I notice wet tears pooling in the corners of my eyes as I struggle to make a noise - anything to let him know I'm here.

"Mmmhgh," is what eventually comes out. It doesn't sound like a word and could've been mistaken as a heavy breath. I try again.

The same noise escapes me, no louder or better formed. I don't even know what I'm trying to say, just a noise is taking this much effort. I feel Draco shift beside me. Then a warmth next to my skin. I try to open my eyes again, blinking heavily. His lips are pressed to my cheek and his eyes are sad and grey. My eyelids flutter shut again.

"She's crying," he says suddenly. The murmuring stops and footsteps come closer. "She's awake, she's crying. She must be awake. Mum, what do we do?"

Silence for a moment, then Narcissa's quiet voice replies, "Talk to her, son. Let her know you're there. It might bring her around a bit. I'll go and get a cloth to wipe her face with."

I know you're there Draco darling. I know. I just can't see you properly. Or tell you I know. I try again and this time succeed in moving my lips a little. I begin to feel a hot wave pass over me, burning as my muscles begin to wake up slowly, excruciatingly.

Draco's hand cups my face and wipes a soft cloth across my skin, removing the tears and sleep from my eyes. I try opening them again and this time they don't feel so heavy. I look up and see Draco staring down at me, sleep-deprived and rumpled, but relieved at the same time.

"Dra-" I manage to splutter out. The hotness in my arms and legs is disappearing and I can finally feel my entire body once again. I try and sit up but Draco stops me and pushes me back down with a long kiss.

"Kayla, I'm so sorry. Believe me baby, I am so sorry. I love you. Forgive me, please," he chokes out in a sob.

I'm confused. How is this his fault? He thought my father was dead too until the party. I've no idea how long ago that was. It's light outside, maybe last night. We all thought my father was dead. How the hell was he there? At my sixteenth birthday? Where has he been if he's not been dead? Why did he leave me? Why has he come back now?

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