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    “I didn’t realize we were going to have sex.” Keith said barely above a whisper.
    “Do you not want to?”
    “I mean, I do, but I have no idea what I’m doing. And we haven’t been on a date or anything like that yet.”
    “I think most of the world already knows about us.”
    Keith swallowed. Hard. “How?”
    “Um, well, the concert we just had? It was pretty gay, Keith.”
    “But most of your fans weren’t there—”
    “A lot of the shit we did is already online. I’ve already seen pics of us on twitter. And ones of just you.” Lance purred and cupped his jaw. “You looked so hot.”
    The manager could feel his heart pounding in his chest, but it felt more like it was in his throat. Just waiting for him to open his mouth so it could leap out at the other.
    “Did I look hot?” He whispered against Keith’s lips.
    “Yes.” He breathed out before hesitantly pressing into his lips gently, his hands moving to rest on his hips. Lance pushed down into them. He moved his hands into sweaty raven tresses, gripping it tightly to pull him closer. Keith parted their lips for only a moment, pressing together their foreheads. “Do you know what we’re doing?”
    “In what sense babe?” Lance murmured.
    Keith’s blush darkened then. “Like, um, I know there’s different ways that guys have sex so um…” He trailed off.
    “So, like, a blowjob or something?”
    “Yeah, like that…”
    “Would you be comfortable going all the way?”
    “N-Not especially. Not yet.” Keith answered honestly.
    “Then we won’t. What would you feel comfortable doing?” Lance asked with a loving grin, he gently pushed Keith’s bangs out of his face. There, he thought. Much better.
    “Um,” He paused. He didn’t really know any of those terms. Like, what the shit was a blowjob? He heard of something called a lemon-bag? Maybe it was a lemon-squeeze? And a rimjob? He couldn’t even guess on that one.
    “What about a blowjob? Nothing too intense, but still good.” Lance smiled softly.
    “W-Will you explain what that is?” Keith asked nervously, his hands were shaking once again.
    “Well, you know how when you get angry you tell someone to suck a dick?”
    “It’s that but, it’s nice.”
    “Oh.” Keith murmured. “We can do that.”
    “Alright.” Lance smiled and pecked his lips. “Just relax, okay?”

    Gently kisses were placed down Keith’s neck, nervous hands undoing Keith’s jeans. In return he pulled off Lance’s t-shirt. He dropped it next to the bed and smiled down at him, Lance smiled back up.
    “Sh-Should we turn on music?” Lance asked softly, he nodded. He got out his phone and turned on I Found by Amber Run. “Is this good?”
    “Great.” Keith smiled in return before tugging off his own shirt. Lance paused. He didn’t expect Keith to be muscular, at all. He just thought he was scrawny. Squishy, maybe. “What’s wrong?”
    “You— You’re beautiful.” He laughed nervously.
    His jaw dropped and his entire face turned red. “I... Thank you.” He smiled away from Lance’s gaze, he gently turned him by his jaw to look at him again. He met his gaze again before moving up the bed to kiss him. Keith pulled back as the kiss turned awkward. He laughed slightly. “What are you doing?”
    Lance laughed nervously. “I can’t get my shoes off.”
    “You can pull back and take them off, you know.”
    Lance nodded and sat up to do that. He took off his Vans, Keith taking off his boots. Lance took off his belt and set them in a neat pile at the foot of the bed, whereas Keith had simply tossed everything on the side of the bed.
    “Should I take off my pants?” Keith asked nervously.
    Lance nodded, looking away and taking his socks off as Keith undressed to his boxers. He glanced over before taking off his own socks.
    “Are you still nervous?” Lance asked, turning to him then and taking his hand.
    “Yeah, sorry.”
    “Don’t be.”

    Lance moved back to the middle of their bed and pulled Keith closer, he pulled him into his lap and grinned up to him. Keith smiled down to him and cupped his cheeks. God, why was he nervous? There was no need to be. He trusted Lance. He could do this. He wanted to do this.
    “Keith,” He murmured. “I love you.”
    “I love you too Lance.”
    “Are you ready?”
    Keith just nodded before being placed on his back so fragile, as if he were made of glass. Callused hands held his middle as he pressed kisses down his neck and collarbone, stopping to bite and mark him as his. Keith gasped softly, he didn’t expect it to hurt at all. Yet, it was a good pain. Pleasure so very much derived from his pain. Lance continued down the paler man’s chest, kissing and biting him. He stopped again on his chest to mark him again, this time making it much darker than before. A soft sound was chocked out of him. Ocean-blue eyes glanced up to make sure Keith was alright. Yes, he was. Keith was smiling even. He didn’t expect that. With red ears he moved down to his hips. He bit at it teasingly with a smirk, Keith once more gasped and this time covered his mouth. Lance reached up to pull his hands away.
“I know we have music on, but I still wanna hear you.” He chuckled softly, as if he said something like that everyday. He would bet money that his heart was beating loud enough for Lance to hear it slam up against his chest then back down again. “Okay?”
Once more the Cuban boy’s lips were against his cool skin, now kissing down his thighs. He kissed down his right, and then his left. He went painfully slow, making the other whimper. Craving touch. Keith had never needed to be touched this bad. Hell, he only remembered jacking off once before. And it wasn’t even that good, it was just to try it. An ex said he should; to see what he liked. What did he like? Not that guy. Keith was brought back to the situation when teeth dug into his thigh, extremely close to the base of his cock. He cursed in Japanese and moved a hand instinctively to Lance’s hair. It was still a little wet with sweat, but not enough to gross him out. Not even close. Lance, with a smirk, pressed a soft kiss to the head of his dick. His hand reached up to hold Keith’s free one; he knew just how nervous he still was. Keith smiled once again and lightly squeezed his hand. To let Lance know that, yes, he was comfortable with him. He looked down just as Lance pressed a soft kiss to his head, he bit his lip harshly. Lance pecked down him slowly, doing his best to make it loving; not just passionate. Strangled moans bubbled from Keith’s throat. He went to cover his mouth again but Lance squeezed his other hand again, reassuring him that he was alright. It seemed to work because he immediately relaxed, untensing and just nipping on his bottom lip. He watched as thin lips wrapped around his erection, slowly taking more and more of it into his mouth.
Another song came on behind Keith’s sweet moans, he had no idea what it was. You know how older songs sound muffled or muted? That’s how it sounded. Only at the beginning. Tomorrow Keith would have to remember to ask the name of the song. He really liked it.
However the only music Lance could hear was the beautiful music leaving Keith. He bobbed his head slowly, the other’s moans only grew louder. He gently sucked on all of him for a moment before bobbing again, his free hand gently scratching his thighs. His moans turned more ragged, and his breaths sharp. He knew he wouldn’t last long. This, however, was longer than he had expected. He gripped Lance’s curls tighter. (Yes, he has curls. He’s latinx.) Lance wasn’t sure whether to stay put or pull off, so he pulled up so just his head was in his mouth. The movement of him moving upward was enough to get him off; he ejaculated more than either of them expected but Lance swallowed it all with a slight smirk. It tasted… different.
Keith panted softly, smiling up at the ceiling. Lance moved up to kiss him sweetly. They giggled sleepily, cupping one another’s cheeks.
“I love you.” Keith whispered.
“I love you more.” Lance smiled against his lips. “We should get to sleep.”
“Don’t you want me to…?”
“Not tonight.” Lance whispered. He knew Keith wasn’t ready, which he wasn’t. “Let’s go to bed.”
Swallowing the lump in his throat Keith nodded and reached to turn off the lamp. Lance slipped out of his boxers before moving to hold the smaller man close. He rested his head just above Lance’s heart, smiling as he listened to the rapid beating. He listened to it slow as he began to slip asleep, Keith’s heart matched it’s beating. Without realizing it he fell asleep in Lance’s arms.

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