Chapter 3

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This chapter is dedicated to my first reader undoubtedlymine. Thank you for being my loyal reader.

Aditya's Pov

It all began almost one year ago. I was completely fit and fine, physically in good shape too. A twenty- four old hot handsome man, drooled by most of the female population I had come across. I finished my MBA from IIM Pune and started working in my grandfather's company for a while. He wanted me to learn all the nuts and bolts of business before handing over the company to me. Since the first day, I promised myself that I would carry our family's legacy and help my company to achieve greater heights. Little did I know that my life would have so many twists and turns and my dreams would be mere dreams.

Initially, I had a nagging, mild cough which I ignored for months. I was so engrossed with the business meetings and handling company's administration that I had no time for myself. Now, I wish I had stopped once for a break. The day I coughed blood on my handkerchief was the day when I realized that something was wrong with me. I went to a doctor and told him my symptoms. The doctor very casually gave me an antibiotic and assured me that I would be fine. But that nagging feeling never left my brain that something bad was about to happen.

I took his medicines religiously, but it did no good. I hardly made any improvement. I was so paranoid that I visited another doctor for a second opinion. He felt that it might be a case of severe bronchitis, so he told me to run a chest X-ray examination. Before I had left the lab, the lab doctor had called my doctor and told him something about my chest X-ray. He used medical terms so I had no idea what he diagnosed. Later he informed me that he consulted my doctor and I was supposed to have a CT-scan too. At this, I was getting suspicious but I didn't have the courage to question him. By the time I arrived home from the clinic my doctor called me. He stated that the radiologist saw a mass in my lung and that I might have a tumor. The next six days I had a series of tests and finally all my doubts were cleared. I was 24 years old and I had lung cancer.


It's been two months since my treatment started, but yet I haven't accepted the fact that I have cancer. How is it even possible in the first place is beyond my intellect? I had never ever smoked in my twenty-four years of life as I was a fitness freak and detested cigarettes. In fact, I did not even live with roommates who were smokers during my college days. My family did not possess any past cancer records. So, why me? What did I ever do to deserve this? Why out of so many people I have succumbed into the clutches of such a fatal disease? I questioned myself every day, but till date, I got no answer. I don't believe even God has answers to my queries.

It would be a lie if I state that I'm not frightened. Every night I sleep with a fear that I might not be even able to see the next day. Sometimes I wonder what would happen if I die. Who will take care of my old grandparents? What will happen to my Ma? I am all the family that she has. After her divorce, she invested her happiness- her world with me. How will she live every day knowing the fact that her bundle of joy won't be around her- won't come back? The irony of my life is that I was supposed to take care of my grandparents, my mom, and my company but my pathetic self is so weak that I have to depend on them. God is playing a nasty game with us and I won't ever forgive him.

One day I got so tired of these negativities that I thought I should give up. It's of no use whatsoever! Instead of being arrested at this jail cum hospital and torture my veins with an IV and medicines, I should enjoy the little life I have. I announced that I will quit all my discourses. But my stubborn nurse won't take my answer for a no. I was tired of explaining my reasons to her, but all words were deaf to her ears. Then we experience a dramatic entry of the girl in my hospital room.

Really God. Do you find my situation funny? Are you actually so bored of yourself that you have to pull my strings. What in the hell is she doing here? I angled my face to my left and looked at my mom. Her face clearly confirmed my doubts. I sighed and felt my anger dissipate. Did she really have to tell all my friends? I'm wondering now how many people know about my state. I looked at my evil princess. Here we go again, folks. My life is a confirmed hell now.


"Adi. So, Aditi Ahuja is your friend?" I spit on my water. My mother sounds quite interested in her. It doesn't sound very good to me.

"She is definitely not my friend." Are we really having this conversation?

"Really. Tell me some more about her. After all, I should know about my son's company." She gave me a mischievous smile.

"She is the same person who glued my pants and my seat with a fewiquick. So, apparently, she is not my friend." Gosh, this is so mortifying.

"Yes, of course, I remember. Your pants got torn and you got home wearing a skirt." Does every mom teases their boy or I am an exception?

"Mothers. Uggghh. You actually had to remind me of that. It's not my fault that our school did not have a spare boy's uniform."

"Of course not. It wasn't your fault at all." She stated, emphasizing the word fault and then continued. "And as far as my old brain remembers, weren't you the one who stuck chewing on her hairs and apparently you had a walk of shame as her revenge."

I smiled a little at the memory. She had long hairs which ended up to her waistline. I knew she loved them as she flicked her hairs with so much pride. So, I stuck my chewing gum on her hairs. Of course, I was shipped to the headmaster and I apologized to her, though I didn't intend it. I was impatiently waiting to see her the next day with her new look. Seeing her with a bob cut gave me so much satisfaction. I mentally patted my back. She gave me death glares all day. I should have known better to underestimate my competitor. But honestly teasing her was my favorite hobby. I loved to make her furious. Even though I would not admit it, but I did respect her for her comebacks.

My mother waved her hand in front of my face. "Did you zone out on me?"

"Umm. I am sorry, what were you saying?"

"I said. Back then you two were so cute."

"Are you trying to imply that I am no more cute?" I sulked like a baby for some extra drama.

"Are we agreeing with the fact that you two were cute?"

"Huh. I didn't. I mean. Whatever."

"She seems to be a nice girl."

I smirked at my mother's remark. "Ma. She is anything but nice."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Just because a wolf has worn a sheep's cloak does not imply that it is no more cunning. Don't fall for her tricks. She could not be trusted."

"How can you be so sure?"

"I have known her all my life."

A/n : Hi guys. I hope every enjoys this chapter. I agree the past two chapters were kind of serious. I promise the next chapter will have Adi-Aditi's action. Please click on that star at the end of the screen. Your votes give me the motivation to write more. Waiting to hear your comments too.

Bubye <3

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