Chapter 6

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This whole one week has been a complete mess. I told my parents about my current state of affairs. To get freaked out would be the understatement of the century. They instantly wanted me board the next flight and come back to Delhi, my home town. They were beyond worried about me, but in some way, I managed to convince my parents that I am managing here fine. I told them I will take care of myself. They made me promise that I will call them every day and give them detailed information about the case and how it is approaching. That's the least I could do for them, after all, they are parents and no parents want their children to go through any pain.

The media has gone crazy. Apparently, they got their perfect TRP rated news. My phone keeps buzzing with calls and messages for an interview. I sternly told them that I can only have an email interview. They will never realize how difficult is for a girl to go through the same incident again and again. Who wants to recall those dreadful memories that haunt you even in your sleep. This is something which you want to erase from your life like it never occurred.

The police were amazingly supportive. I think of the day when I filed the FIR. They were very patient with me. At times while narrating the incident, I would break down in tears and stop speaking, but the female constable would offer me water and pat my back. They would reassure me to take my time and continue. The police had arrested the culprit instantly and sat him down for his questioning. Yesterday the Inspector told me that they got CCTV footage of the whole incident. Apparently my overconfident fool ex- boss did not even erase the video footage of the said day. Good for me and my case. Luckily, his cousin stayed away from the whole matter as his own position was in danger. In fact, he went out of the way and made a statement that if his cousin is guilty then he should be punished.

The best thing that happened to me was that a 30-year-old woman contacted me. Aisha also suffered the same treatment at the hands of my ex-boss. However, she never told anyone. When she saw the news on TV and heard the name of my ex-boss who got arrested, she told her husband everything. In fact, it was him who convinced her to speak out and aid me. She and her husband thanked me for being courageous and making the complaint. She even went to the police station and gave a statement in my favor. Nothing makes me happier than the fact I am setting a good example. But what gets me extremely happy is the fact that men like Aisha's husband and Adi exist. I cannot thank them more than anybody. It was them who made me and Aisha realize that giving up was not the right thing to do.

I have been in constant touch with Adi's mom, Anjali. Adi has shown significant improvement both in his behavior and health. He no more makes a fuss over medicines or injections. He patiently listens to the doctor and follows his advice. He eats his food properly. I am not sure of what suddenly changed his mind, but I guess it's a good thing and that's what matters the most. Sometimes they would take a walk in the morning and breath fresh air. That's the favorite part of her day, she told me. Yes, he still cusses when they show my news on TV. Let's simply suppose he uses quite awful words referring my boss, which Aunty can't share with me- her words, not mine.

Besides my parents, Aunty has supported me throughout. She has been my angel ever since she heard that I filed a case against my ex-boss. At times I would blabber all my pent up frustration, but she always listened to me patiently. Sometimes you just need someone to talk to. I guess that's the reason why she would call me every day. Sometimes she would inquire if I had eaten anything or not like my mom. I would always respond in negative. Consider the reason to be my bad luck and bad timing.

However, today the strangest thing happened. Half of the day has gone by, but Aunty has not called me yet. Now I am wondering if everything is fine there. Ok, stop right there. No room for negative thoughts. I commanded my brain. That's the beauty of emotional people. One wrong thought and it leads to a train of negative thoughts. Be positive. Everything will be fine there. Don't worry. I assured myself, but somehow I myself wasn't convinced. Of course, how am I not supposed to get worried? What if. There was only one way to find out now. I picked up my phone and dialed Aunty's number. She picked up after five rings. Oh no. Don't tell me, I counted again.

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