Chapter 7

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I turned the knob and entered the room. At this point, I only had one thought in my mind.

God save me.....

Chapter 7

"You are late."

As soon as I entered the hospital room, I was greeted with an unsatisfied voice. I was shocked at the stern behavior, but what shocked me more was the source of the voice. Aunty looked at me with an accusing stare, waiting for my excuse. This is something new. I thought to myself. I never saw her in this avatar. Oh shit! I was supposed to respond.

I looked into Adi's direction pleading him to help me out from this situation, but a look of bewilderment was plastered on his face. I looked into his eyes and he looked into mine. I think we were both lost in the moment. I don't know what exactly happened, but it looked as if a shock of waves traversed his whole body. Is he nervous too? Don't tell me he is afraid of me. I mentally rolled my eyes. Adi was the first to break his gaze from me. Aunty cleared her throat and she finally had my attention.

"Um. Aunty. Mumbai's traffic is a mess. It took longer than usual time to get here. Sorry for being late."

"I understand. I think I should go soon. Don't want to get stuck in a jam like you."

"Care to explain me what's happening here." This is the first time Adi spoke to us. I looked in the direction of his mom for help.

"Joint pain, "Aunty and I replied in unison. This time it was Adi who had an accusing stare in our direction.


"So, I am leaving you under Aditi's care. She will spend a night here in the hospital," she replied in a calm manner.

"She will spend a night here. Are you crazy?"

"No, I'm not. She is staying here and that's final." This time she replied in a firm manner.

I simply stood there like a mere spectator watching a mother and her son arguing. Both were giving each other a look that said that I am not backing down on this. Even though I was feeling bad as they were fighting over me, but a naughty side of me was enjoying this argument.

"That's not gonna happen."

"It is going to happen, son. So deal with it."

"We can have an attendant if you want, mom."

"I cannot trust attendants. I won't be able to sleep and worry the whole night."

"And you can trust her," he stated, pointing an accusing finger at me. I was hurt would be an understatement of the century. I was furious at him. How dare he think I cannot be trusted? Do you remember how many pranks you played on him? My brain questioned me again. Alright, brain. I get it. You don't have to be a bitch. I wanted to answer him, but I kept quiet. I cannot give him the satisfaction that his words affected me.

"I am not going to have an argument with you on that topic."

"She will run away in half an hour like the last time." He debated with his mother.

"That's why I am telling you to behave properly this time."

"It wasn't my fault, mom."

"There's no harm in trying to be nice for your mom."

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