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A few days passed by since Hyunwoo and Kihyun's talk, since their first kiss. The following days were all basically the same as always. They had one schedule after another, one practice after another one and definitely not enough time for anything else. It annoyed Kihyun even though that was the life he wanted to live so badly. Well, nobody told him that he would fall in love with their leader before, but even though he was with their leader all the time, they just couldn't be together the way they wanted to be. Sometimes Hyunwoo would kiss Kihyun briefly, as they were able to breath between all the things they had to do. Kihyun simply wanted to spend more time with Hyunwoo. After their talk, they decided to give this whole couple-thingy a chance. Well, actually Hyunwoo decided since Kihyun was a little smiling mess at that time. Kihyun wanted to sleep in Hyunwoo's strong arms again. He was only able to do so one time, but it already felt like some kind of an addiction. He kept dreaming about it. 'Well, at this rate- what will I be dreaming about when we actually had- omg-' Kihyun thought more than one time and every time he would blush really badly. For some reasons Hyunwoo would always look at him, as he thought of them being together. Kihyun was pretty sure, Hyunwoo was able to read his mind somehow.

Their trainer just decided to let them have a break, as almost all of them dropped to the floor from exhaustion. The only two left who were standing, we're Hoseok and Hyunwoo. Kihyun was amazed by their leader's strength, and Hoseok's as well. He kept looking at him for a while before he closed his eyes. All of them were panting loudly and had barely any energy left.
"Okay! That was enough rest! Let's go again!" Their trainer said. Hyunwoo looked at the members, and noticed his fellow members couldn't work any longer today. As he looked at his exhausted, panting Kihyunnie, he got mad at their trainer.
"This break wasn't even 5 minutes long! Don't you think we deserve a little more rest?" He looked at the trainer. Hyunwoo was pissed off and everybody could see it. That wasn't something they saw often. They weren't used to their robot leader to show so much emotions and especially not that kind of emotions. The trainer noticed too. He wasn't really sure what to say. Sure, it was already pretty late, they had been training and dancing the whole day long, but still it wasn't good enough. He knew the members were exhausted, but they had to keep on working. Hyunwoo on the other hand got kind of impatient.
"Let us go home for today." He just said. Hoseok, who was standing besides Hyunwoo, kept looking at his two favorite members. He was really worried about them.
"Yeah, please let us rest for today." He finally added to Hyunwoo's previous plea. The trainer still wasn't sure what to do or say. He looked at the members and after some time he had to admit that it wouldn't make any sense pushing them even further today.
"Okay. Okay, you are allowed to go home for today. But I won't show any mercy tomorrow!"
"Thank you!" The members answered in unison.

Hoseok sat himself between Hyungwon and Minhyuk.
"How do you feel?" He asked both of them.
"Destroyed." Minhyuk answered. He turned himself to Hoseok and almost fell asleep as he laid his head onto Hoseok's lap. Hyungwon looked up into the others eyes.
"I feel ugly and unloved." he said. Hoseok sighed quietly as he started caressing the hair of both boys.
"Don't say that. You know it's not true." He smiled at Hyungwon. "Let's go home yeah?" Hyungwon nodded his head to Hoseok's suggestion.
"But, I think we have to carry Minhyuk." Hyungwon said while watching the blond one finally asleep on Hoseok's lap. Hoseok looked at Minhyuk as well.
"I'll ask our leader to take Minhyuk to the van. To be honest, I have no power left, but I really don't want to wake him up."

Changkyun basically collapsed on Jooheon. He wasn't even listening to the others anymore, he closed his eyes and listened to Jooheon's heartbeat. Jooheon laid one of his arms around the maknae.
"You okay?" Jooheon asked. Changkyun just nodded. He barely understood what Jooheon had asked anyways. After some more minutes, Jooheon and Changkyun were the first ones who got up and packed their stuff.

Hyunwoo stood beside Kihyun, looking down at the younger.
"Are you asleep already?"
"No, not yet, but I'm sure I will be soon enough." Kihyun answered, opening his eyes slightly.
"Are you able to walk on your own? I have to take Minhyuk to the van." Hyunwoo had heard what Hoseok said to Hyungwon just seconds ago.
"I'm fine, Hyung. Just get Minhyuk home." He lied. To be honest, he wanted to be the one, who would be carried to the van by Hyunwoo, he had to admit he was jealous. Hyunwoo kept looking at him, he knew and that was the moment when Kihyun realized, that Hyunwoo was indeed able to read him like an open book.
"Don't lie to me, Kihyunnie. Wait here, I will get you." As he finished his sentence, he was already on his way to Minhyuk, to pick him up and get him to the van.

In the meantime all the other members left the practice room. The only one left in the practice room was Kihyun. He really waited for the leader to get him and take him to the van. Hyunwoo arrived as Kihyun started to doubt that the leader would return for him.
"Stay down. I'll get your things and then I'll pick you up." Kihyun turned red again. Their leader really was a weird guy.
"But- I can walk on my own."
"Just stay down. I know you want me to do this and I want to do it too." Hyunwoo took Kihyun's things and finally picked the younger one up, bridal style of course. Kihyun looked at Hyunwoo.
"How the hell do you have so much energy left?!" Kihyun said out loud even though he just wanted to think it. Hyunwoo smirked at him.
"Well, that's the question, I guess." He kissed Kihyun's cheek and finally left the room with Kihyun in his arms.
"Uhm, Hyung, may I ask you for something?"
"Yeah. Just ask." Hyunwoo looked at the younger with a little smile.
"W-Would you mind sleeping at my and Minhyuk's room tonight?" Kihyun hid his face at Hyunwoo's chest.
"I'd love to do so."
"Really!?" Kihyun smiled at Hyunwoo brightly.
"Yes, little one." Hyunwoo stopped before they had to leave the building and kissed Kihyun on his incredibly sweet lips.

Kihyun lay in his bed. He was already almost asleep, but he tried hard to stay awake until Hyunwoo would join him. 'What takes him so long?' Kihyun got impatient. He stood up to leave the room and look for the leader. As he went out of the room, he walked straight into another body.
"Ouch! Kihyun, don't you have eyes!?" Hyungwon complained, rubbing his shoulder.
"Oh! I-I'm sorry! Did I hurt you?" Kihyun asked.
"Uh- No, I'm sorry. It's okay. Uh, Kihyunnie, could I sleep in Minhyuk's bed tonight?"
"Yeah of course! But, why?"
"Hoseok wants to be alone with Minhyuk. I don't want to disturb them."
"Huh? But Minhyuk was already deep asleep, and I can't imagine Hoseok wanting you to leave."
"I'm sure he does want me to leave." Hyungwon almost started to cry.
"Ah! Ah! Don't cry! C-Come inside!" Kihyun hurried to say and led Hyungwon into his room. Hyungwon went straight to the other bed and hid himself under the sheets, sobbing quietly. Kihyun didn't know what to do or what to say. He just hoped for Hyunwoo to hurry, maybe the leader would know what to do.
"Hyungwon?" Hyunwoo went into the room. He looked at Kihyun. "Is he here?"
"Yeah." Kihyun pointed at Minhyuk's bed. "What happened?" he asked.
"To be honest, I have no idea, but Hoseok is worried about him."
"He is not worried!" Hyungwon suddenly complained. Kihyun blinked at the body under the sheets. Hyunwoo sighed a little annoyed.
"Why don't you talk to him?" Hyunwoo asked.
"I don't want to talk to him anymore! Would you mind leaving me alone now!?"
Kihyun dind't understand anything. He looked at Hyunwoo, who looked just as confused as he himself. Hyunwoo looked at Kihyun and shrugged his shoulders.
"Let's go to sleep too. You must be very tired." Hyunwoo said to Kihyun. Kihyun just nodded. He crawled into the bed, waiting for Hyunwoo to join him. Hyunwoo turned off the lights and finally joined his little Kihyunnie. He put his arms around the younger one and hugged him tightly to his chest, just like the last time. Kihyun felt warm immediately. He cuddled himself towards Hyunwoo's arms and the feeling of home returned. Hyunwoo really was perfect. Kihyun smiled.

Just as they almost fell asleep, the door banged open.
"Hyung! Fucking! Won! Why the hell are you here? Why aren't you talking to me anymore? Could you just explain to me why you left me and Minhyuk!? He's crying because of you! He's thinking you don't like him!" Hoseok almost shouted. Hyungwon looked at Hoseok obviously really shocked, like some deer in front of headlights. Now he started to cry again, because now he felt bad for Minhyuk.
"I'm sorry."
"What's with you these days?" Hoseok asked. He walked over to Hyungwon, pulled him out of the bed and back towards his own room. Hyunwoo and Kihyun watched them and they kept looking at the door for a few minutes, waiting for something to happen.
"Why do they always have to leave in such a dramatic way?" Kihyun asked. Hyunwoo just shrugged his shoulders
"I guess, we'll never know."

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