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If you were expecting everything would be pink, fluffy and happy for Kihyun and Hyunwoo, you expected the wrong thing. At least for Kihyun. Every fucking day delivered a new reason to Kihyun, why he should be jealous or angry at Hyunwoo. Well, the leader wasn't really doing anything wrong, but to Kihyun it felt like it.

For example: this day was just right to describe Kihyuns 'kind of' situation. A few days ago, Hyunwoo agreed to take part in a photo shooting with the girls from SISTAR, without asking Kihyun. Kihyun knew he shouldn't be angry with Hyunwoo just because of this.., but Hyunwoo could have talked to him after all. 'Could it be? Am I too selfish?' Kihyun thought while looking at the scene in front of him. They were at this stupid photo shoot. Hyunwoo took Kihyun with him, because he knew Kihyun was mad at him, for whatever reason this time. Hyunwoo was, most of the time, in the middle of the set. Something like the main attraction. The girls from SISTAR always somewhere around him. Or right beside him. Or on him, when he had to sit somewhere. Blah, blah, blah. Kihyun couldn't watch it anymore. He sighed and walked to the changing room. 'Stupid Hyunwoo' he thought, right as he heard the director telling everyone to take a short break. 'Excellent!..' Kihyun thought in a sarcastic way. 'More "aww~~ Shownu is so cute!", "Look how manly he got!" and "Shownu really is dating material!!", yaaaaay~~ could this day become even better??' Kihyun added to his previous thoughts, again in a sarcastic way. He didn't want to hear any more of it.

Kihyun stood near the table, as he heard the door being closed. Soon after, he found himself in a tight embrace from behind his back. Strong arms pressed him firmly towards the body behind him. He felt kisses on his neck, what made him giggle.
"Why did you leave? I don't want you to leave me all alone.." the older whispered into Kihyuns right ear. Kihyun felt himself turning into a ripe tomato.. again. He somehow managed to turn himself in the embrace, to look at his leaders face. Hyunwoo was looking at him, innocently, like a lost little puppy.. with bunny teeth. Really.. how was he even able to be mad at this adorable man?
"I'm just tired.." Kihyun answered, leaning his head on Hyunwoos chest, hiding his read face and smiling. Why did he smile?.. Geez..
"Ah.. come on Kihyunnie~ do you think I'm stupid? I know that you're bugged by this situation. But believe me. There's nothing. Really! I only love you and nobody else!" Hyunwoo stroke trough the youngers hair, hoping the younger would stop being mad at him. Little did he know, that the younger already forgave him. Not like Kihyun had any other choice. Hyunwoo was just too cute.. and hot at the same time.

They spent the rest of the break together, talking about the shooting. At some point of the break the four members of SISTAR went into the room. They started talking with both of them, but actually more with Kihyun, since they didn't know that much about him. They know Hyunwoo from trainee days. Well.. more like Hyorin knew him from back then and the others because she told them everything. Hyunwoo just kept on smiling at Kihyun, while the girls couldn't stop from asking Kihyun a million questions. They didn't have the time while NO.MERCY was airing.

Back at the shooting set, Kihyun kept watching their shooting. He admired them and he started to feel jealous again. This time not towards the girls, for being with Shownu all the time, but more likely because he once had the chance to work with Hyunwoo, just like that, but he fucked up. Back at NO.MERCY, when they had to perform a stage together. Instead of doing the best stage, they were just awkward around each other and everybody was able to see it. Hyunwoo could have been eliminated, but honestly.. who would dare to eliminate #1 or #2??


"Finally home!" Kihyun said, while he let himself fall back on the couch. He smiled. He was exhausted, even though he didn't do anything but being jealous. Hyunwoo watched him hugging a pillow, he smiled softly at the younger. He knew Kihyun was angry with him these days because of every little thing, so he decided to be extra sweet towards him. But now he had to take a shower. He kissed the top of Kihyuns head and walked into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

After Hyunwoo vanished into the bathroom, Minhyuk and Hyungwon went into the living room, holding hands. Minhyuk had a lollipop in his mouth. For some reasons Kihyun had to start chuckling as he saw those tow. They reminded him so much of two little boys in kindergarten-age.
"You guuuuys are baaack~~!!" Minhyuk let out as he saw Kihyun on the couch. He let go of Hyungwons hand and jumped onto Kihyun. Hyungwon on the other hand was just laughing at the sudden change.
"H..hello..." Kihyun said, out of breath, because he was shocked at Minhyuk attempt to press all air out of Kihyuns body. Hyungwon just laughed more.
"How was it?? Was it hot?? How did our leader look?? Did he do a great job?? What did you do? Have you been jealous?? I guess you were~~ Our little Kihyunnie was jealooous~~"Minhyuk bombarded Kihyun with questions first and then started to squeeze Kihyuns face. Kihyun felt lost. Why did Hyunwoo leave him here all alone with this overly happy puppy. 'Help!' he thought.
"Our leader did just great. As he always does. You know that well enough.. and NO! I wasn't jealous! Just to let you know!"
"Aw come on!! I know you better than you know yourself!!" Minhyuk laughed at him. Kihyun turned red. Hyunhwon, seated himself in the meantime besides Kihyuns head, looking down at him, waiting for a full report. Kihyun then knew that he had wouldn't be able to leave as long as he wouldn't tell them everything.


Another few days passed by. Kihyun kept on being mad at Hyunwoo, because of every little thing. At some point he questioned himself why he's acting so weird lately. Just like Hyungwon did until a week ago. He was worried. All this 'being-mad-at-the-leader' really hurt their relationship. Hyunwoo really was too good for him. Hyunwoo would always come comfort him. Tell him he loves him and that there's no other besides Kihyun. He would hug him tightly, kiss him with passion and show him how much he loves the younger at night, when the others were sleeping. Kihyun should be happy. A little pink unicorn, so why couldn't he stop getting mad at every little thing. He once found himself being jealous at Hyunwoos blanket, which were covering him, protecting him from the cold temperatures nowadays. Really Kihyun got kind of obsessed with their leader. And at the same time he became more afraid of losing him, annoying him, not being good enough for Hyunwoo.

Hyunwoo was confused. The last few days really weren't easy. He had to talk much more than usual with Hoseok and his two lovers. After all, Hoseok experienced such situations with Hyungwon a lot and Hyungwon was kind of able to explain what caused him to act like that. Hyunwoo then tried everything to comfort Kihyun, but it seemed, nothing really worked. He wished it was just some kind of phase.


"Uhm.. Hyung.. may I tell you something?" Hyungwon once questioned Hyunwoo, looking at the older, smiling.
"Yeah, go on. I need all the help I can get, I really don't wanna lose him.." Hyunwoo answered, head hanging low. He was frustrated. They just had another 'fight'.
"You should show him how much you love him in a unique way. Very unique. Maybe something that connects the two of you?" Hyugwoo said. He was sitting beside the leader, hoping he could help the older one somehow."


Hyunwoo spent their day off, all alone in their practice room. He needed time alone. He needed time to think about everything. He needed to find a way to show his Kihyunnie that there was only him for Hyunwoo. That he only loved his Kihyunnie and would never leave him. Never.

He danced to the songs on his playlist for a while. For some of them he had a fixed choreography and to some he just some freestyle moves. He was lost again in one of his thoughts about Kihyunnie, as one particular song started to play. 'Add me in'. Kihyun once told him, that he fell completely for Hyunwoo, when he started to dance to the song at NO.MERCY. Hyunwoo stood there for a while. That's it. 'Add me in' was the only way to show Kihyun, how much he loved him. Probably he would add a little bit of 'all of me', but that was just subsidiary.

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