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The next morning all of the members were sitting at the kitchen table. They were eating their breakfast and were talking about all kinds of things. But for some reasons nobody talked about the Hoseok-Hyungwon-Minhyuk-Drama from the previous night.

Hyunwoo sat on one of the chairs, near the wall, playing with Kihyun's hand and listening to the conversations of the other members. He felt a little bit dizzy this morning, but he couldn't tell why. He didn't feel sick or anything, maybe he was still really tired, but that just sounded like a lame excuse. He tried to think of something else, for example: seeing Kihyun's overly cute face as he woke up, realizing that he slept in Hyunwoo's arms all night long. Hyunwoo had to smile at the memory, he really could get used to this. Maybe he should ask the members, if they would be okay with changing rooms, so everybody could be with the one he loved the most. He really wanted to be with his little sweetie Kihyunnie. He smiled a little and finally he felt the dizziness leaving his body.

Kihyun was looking at Hyunwoo's hand, playing with his own. For some reasons, it calmed his mind. The feeling of Hyunwoo's skin on his own was just impossible to describe. Funny, no matter how little their skin ship actually was, Kihyun always felt some kind of belonging to Hyunwoo. Like there was no other person in this world whose touch would feel so good on his skin. After a while, he leaned his head on Hyunwoo's shoulder and closed his eyes. He concentrated on the feeling of Hyunwoo's hands on his skin. He didn't even realize that he was slowly falling asleep again and Hyunwoo putting his other arm around him so Kihyun wouldn't fall from the chair.

Jooheon watched them. They were really cute together. He wondered how long it would take the two of them to make another step forward. He saw that they trusted each other, that they loved each other with all their hearts. Well, it was entertaining to watch them getting closer with each passing day. Suddenly he felt Changkyun's gaze on his body. He looked at him.
"You alright?" Jooheon asked.
"Uh, yeah, I am."
"You sure about that?"
"Yeah. I told you, didn't I?" Changkyun answered and stood up, taking his dishes to the sink and leaving the kitchen. Jooheon kept watching him. He didn't understand what was going on with the younger. Did he say something or did he do something wrong? However, he would give Kyunnie a little bit time for his own and then talk to him again. Hyunwoo on the other hand listened to their little conversation.
"Did something happen?" Hyunwoo asked.
"No, not as far as I know." Jooheon answered.
"Maybe you should talk to him?"
"Yeah, later."

Kihyun just left the bathroom and went to his and Minhyuk's room. He had to change for their dance practice that was ahead of them. He didn't know what to put on, since the boys hadn't been doing laundry for quite a while now. Now he stood there, half naked, in front of the dresser, looking at all the clothes that were left. 'I really don't have enough clothes.' he thought to himself. Minhyuk then suddenly entered the room and looked at the younger one.
"Kihyunnie, what are you doing? Waiting for our precious leader?" Minhyuk asked, while smiling from one ear to the other one. Kihyun on the other hand just turned red.
"N-no, I'm not!"
"Yaah~, I know you have to get ready. Stupid little Kihyunnie~. I'm just mocking you~." Minhyuk beamed a bright smile at him.
"Says the one, who cried because of our overly emotional Hyungwon." Kihyun answered and sighed loudly.
"Yah! What's with you? Don't talk about my Hyungwon like that!" Minhyuk complained. Well, Kihyun had to admit, that he had never seen Minhyuk getting so mad before.
"I'm sorry! But, could you explain to me- you know- your relationship with Hoseok hyung and Hyungwon?" Kihyun turned red again. He didn't plan to ask Minhyuk about it that way, but he was curious. Minhyuk smiled at him again his bright smile.
"Isn't it pretty obvious? The three of us?"
"So you guys- really- you know?"
"Yeah, the three of us. Don't worry about it. We figured out how to do things in a threesome." Minhyuk smiled again and changed into more comfortable clothes.

Hyunwoo was in his room as well, changing his clothes for their dance practice. He felt dizzy again, and again he wasn't able to tell why. Maybe he's going to get sick? Better not. He wanted to stay strong for his Kihyunnie. He lost himself in memories again, but after a few moments the knocking at his door got him out of his thoughts. He opened the door and his little Kihyun stood right in front of him. Hyunwoo started to smile at him as soon as he saw him.
"Hey little one. What does my favorite member need?" he asked. Kihyun became as red as a tomato again. Hyunwoo couldn't explain how much he loved this.
"C-Could you lend me a shirt of yours? I-I have nothing left to wear."
"Why don't you dance all naked?" Hyunwoo smiled at him. Kihyun turned even redder, well, if that was even possible.
"I can't do that!" Kihyun complained, running back to his room. Hyunwoo watched him running away and then he had to lough a little.

Hours later all of them were doing their best at yet another dance practice, and as their trainer promised, this time he was merciless. He pushed them to a point where they just couldn't walk anymore. Hyunwoo had to sit down this time as well as the others. He felt really dizzy and that's why he laid down on the floor.

Kihyun was really worried. Hyunwoo seemed to be really tired. He sat down besides Hyunwoo and swept away Hyunwoo's sweat with a towel. His hand touched his forehead by accident.
"Oh my-, Hyunwoo you're burning!" Kihyun almost screamed. Hyunwoo looked up to him.
"Of course, I was dancing until now."
"No, not like that. More like fever- are you sick?"
"No, I don't think so, but I felt dizzy all day long, to be honest."
"Why didn't you stay at the dorm? You must be in pain!"
"I didn't feel bad until now, but you caring for me cures me anyways." Hyunwoo said and smiled at Kihyun, who was looking as worried as a mother.
"We better get you home right now!"
"Okay, mom." Hyunwoo replied with a big smile on his face.
"Ya! Don't call me that!" Kihyun complained, but started smiling.

Changkyun went to the toilet, not knowing Jooheon was following him. After Jooheon entered, he pushed the younger against the wall. He was angry with the younger.
"Could you explain to me, why you're angry with me, and why you keep avoiding me all day long!?" Jooheon looked at Changkyun.
"I'm not avoiding you. I just wanted to be alone for some time."
"Yeah, my ass. Just be honest with me. Why?" Jooheon sounded really angry. Changkyun suddenly felt guilty for not telling him. He lowered his gaze and looked down at the floor.
"'Cause of you and Hyunwoo hyung." Changkyun replied. Jooheon didn't understand. Why would the younger would be jealous of them? Jooheon put one hand under Changkyun's chin and made him look at his face.
"You and Hyunwoo, you guys just understand each other so good. You don't even have to talk to each other. I want that with you too. I want to know everything about you- at all time, just by looking into your eyes, because I want to make your wishes come true." Changkyun finally answered after some time of heavy silence. Jooheon couldn't believe what he just heard, but he started to smile. This was some kind of confession that he truly fell in love with Jooheon and was caring about him that much. Jooheon captured Changkyun's face between his hands and pulled him into a long, meaningful kiss.
"I love you, Changkyun."

Kihyun talked to their trainer for a while. He wanted to take Hyunwoo back to their door, because their leader's condition got worse and he really needed some time to rest. After a while their trainer gave him the permission to take Hyunwoo back to the dorm and care for him for the rest of the day.

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