Small Vacations

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My apologies for forgetting this even existed! Marching band and high school suck up my time literally faster than I could imagine. Warning this is a little more modern than my other stories. This isn't my best work but I have a bit of writers block.


Winter fell upon Hyrule like a stone in water. One day snow covered the land like a thick blanket. Snowflakes softly drifted in the wind as your feet pushed on. Almost there. A little bit closer.

"Here we go." Green huffed, his breath turning to steam in the frosty air. You both overlooked a steep valley, feeling the chill deep in your bones. The sight wasn't what you were here for though, no, it was excitement. You felt warm inside knowing what you both had planned for this day.

Long skis were thrown onto the snow. Special boots thrown on in an orderly fashion. You latched your skis on and stood to gain balance. Green followed and shivered in anticipation. "You sure you know how to do this?" He wobbled on the skis, and sent them sliding forward with him falling onto his rear.

You chuckled at the sight. You had done that many times starting out. "Yes I'm sure. Just, relax. Loosen up. This will be extremely fun once you get through the stress called 'learning.'" And to your delight, he smiled and nodded. This wasn't going to be a bad experience for him.

"First things first!" You chirp, ready to start. "You have to learn how to stop... And stand up at least." You add, grabbing his hand and hauling him up. "Put the front tips of your skis together. That's called the snow plow. Or that's what I refer to it as. It won't stop you completely but fast enough."

You gracefully slid off the top of the mountain slope to demonstrate how to slow yourself down, stopping shortly. "Your turn." An encouraging smile followed. Green  sloppily pushed himself off and slapped the skis together too quick, making him stumble but stop efficiently. Nice start, but this was going to take a while.

After many falls, a few curses, and cold biting snow, Green began to manage on his own. Once more you both stood at the mountain top. "I think you've got this, ready?"

Green displayed one more of his charming smiles. "You bet I am! Let's do this." With a 'one, two three!' you and him took off down the slope. Speed increased with time, and the rushing cold wind felt as invigorating as jumping out of a plane. So, extremely.

Green darted left and right, testing his new found knack for this activity. You didn't have trouble admitting he learned fast. You swooped behind him and came up to almost knocking him over. He glanced over with a light in his eyes that only you could point out.

Green pulled to a stop once the land flattened out, as did you also, and whooped with glee. He reached over and pulled your face to his for a brief, cold but at the same time warm, kiss.

"We've gotta do this again."


This was everything you could hope for. Even Vio seemed peppy to the idea. Not only was it the best time of year to visit Lake Hylia, but the water was always calm and bugs never too abundant. You rolled up your shorts and waded into the water slightly, pushing the blue kayak in. Vio did the same, for once wearing more casual clothes.

Boarding your kayaks, his was a lighter blue, he used the paddle to push himself off of the shoreline. Following closely, you felt at peace in the early morning sun light seeming to drip welcome warmth onto your skin. You sighed. "You were right, early mornings are simply blissful."

"Aren't they? Many people are not early birds, but it pays off for certain." Vio replies, softly dipping the oar back and forth into the water, barely scraping the surface of the water. It was almost mesmerizing.

It was also such a beautiful morning making you want to lay back and soak up the sun. Even Vio appeared less stress-ridden. Seeming tranquil at heart. Now that was a sight you look forward to. He tends to get very tense, which is never something that makes you happy. Everyone needs a vacation, and especially him out of anyone. He works himself way too much, way over the edge of what's necessary.

"Vio, look at the water." You hum, staring at the glistening sparkles dancing to and fro.

"Very nice, but let's travel a little further from shore. There are alcoves in some walls, with gorgeous caves eroded by the lake." Vio led on. You hurry on, eager for this day to progress. And it did, going by with the ease of a lazy river.

By the end of the day, your arms felt like they were numb. But what was this all for if no work was put forward? It was worth seeing Vio smile and laugh with you at small, practically dumb things that on a normal day would be annoying.


(Spoilers kinda: Sorry for two lake themes, I just felt that it fit )

Tossing down the bag, you smiled triumphantly towards the rising sun's light washing over the lake with a shine. Early bird gets the worm as they say. And a nice view.

"Haven't been out doing this this early for a while." Blue settled down in the taller grass and lay a rod across his lap along with a tackle box. "Need me to put a worm on?"

"Nah I got it." You pulled out your rod and sat next to him. He wasn't too cranky if he was doing what he wanted to do. "How did you find out about this place? It's so quiet."

Blue had led you to a fishing pond by upper Zora's river, nestled away from most visitors. Not that is was bad, just quiet. The cherry blossom trees constantly sent light petals soaring into the water with each small gust of wind. "Where's the best spot?"

"Well depends. Whaddya want to catch?" He pushed himself off the ground with a grunt.

"The biggest fish I can catch."

"Was I expecting another answer?" He chuckled and guided you to an even more secure spot, with a rocky arch leaning across the pond. You both sat on the edge of the dock while your legs dangled and your bobber, well, bobbed in time with the water. Today was chilly so your sweatshirt kept the heat secure. Your hands though were not spared from the cold.

Except one hand. That rested in one of Blue's hands. Nice and comfy.

When the sun set you were eager to get home. The chilly near autumn wind had you internally shivering for hours. Of course, you didn't catch too many fish. A few lucky Hylian Pikes, Green Gills and some in between.

(I keep doing this omigosh sorry. More repetitive theme but I thought this would be just cool but I don't know ahhhhhhhhhh)

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2019 ⏰

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