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Keith's POV
I sit down in a chair and look down at my phone. I see Gavin's number at the top of the list under Lance's. I look at the time and see it's almost eleven. "I'm going to find a hotel to crash at, anyone coming?" I announce. Lance raises his hand.
"I'll come along."

We walk quietly down to where Lance parked his car. I walk over to the passenger seat, sit down and cross my arms. Lance sits down next to me in the driver seat. I can feel lance looking at me while I stare out the window. "Can we please talk?" He asks.
"About what?" I ask. "About how you lashed out for no reason?" Lance looks at the road.
"I'm sorry, I was just worried." He sighs. He starts the car and I watch as we drive past the hospital. At the door of the hospital a boy with brown fluffy hair walks in.
"Gavin?" I mumble/whisper.
"Who's Gavin?" Lance asks. Shit.
"Just a friend I met earlier." I tell him.
"Earlier? Like when you were missing and then you came back hours later?" He asks angrily. "Are you cheating on me?" I turn away from the window and face Lance.
"Are we even a thing? You never asked me to be your boyfriend so why are you getting so mad? Even if we are a thing, I told you he's just a friend." I raise my voice. Lance opens his mouth to say something but closes it quickly. He turns away from me and we spend the rest of the ride to the hotel in silence.

We check into our rooms and reserve a couple rooms for our friends. Like our old dorms at the university, Lance is across the hall from me.  I place my suitcase on the bed and lay down next to it, how did this even happen? We were fine hours ago and now we hate each other. 

I wish things would just go back to how it was before Victoria started that fire.
Update!! School started so I haven't uploaded in a while but I'll try to write more!
For Q/A's ask me questions, I've run out of ideas. Comment questions below👇👇

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