Part 17

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Too Late?

Frederick's journey back to Bath, though just as long, was not nearly so fraught as his flight down to Shropshire had been. Indeed, he felt rather calmer about his person, now that the question of the marriage ceremony was settled with Edward. His brother had understood his problem almost without needing it explained, and had offered to procure the licence for Frederick without further delay or appeal. He had helped Frederick to secure lodgings in the parish, and would happily help him through the four weeks' residency until the wedding could take place.

Frederick reached the Crofts' lodgings with first light, and turned straight to his chambers to snatch a couple of hours of sleep. His problems thus resolved, he felt his anxiety lessen and he fell straight to sleep immediately his head hit the pillow, waking just a few hours later as he discerned life and movement elsewhere in the house.

"Frederick! Good morning!" Admiral Croft greeted him as he entered the breakfast room. "I thought I heard you arrive at some ungodly hour this morning."

"How was your trip?" Sophia asked, looking at him carefully over the table.

"Satisfactory," he said, sitting down. "Although tiring. And I have hardly eaten this past twenty four hours." He reached for a bread roll and began to spread it thickly with preserves. His sister watched him with interest, clearly waiting for further information, but he continued to eat, ignoring her scrutiny.

"Frederick!" she cried, after a few moments of this. "How can you torment me like this! Satisfactory. Well? What does that mean? Is Edward to marry you and Anne or not? Should the Admiral and I begin planning our trip with you to Shropshire?"

"Edward is organising the licence, and he will be pleased to perform the ceremony," Frederick said. "Once I have been resident in Shropshire for four weeks, as is the legal requirement. I have already secured lodgings, and will return there in a few days, once I have spoken to Anne." He glanced up at his sister, who frustration had melted into a broad smile. "And yes, I do hope you will both come to the wedding."

"Of course!" Admiral Croft said. "We wouldn't miss it for the world, would we Sophy? You've not seen Anne to discuss your plans?"

"Not yet." Frederick crammed the last of the bread roll into his mouth. "I am hoping to call on her this morning. Perhaps you would be good enough to accompany me?"

"Yes, I think that is something we could probably manage," Admiral Croft smiled at him. "We ran into Anne the other day, and she was quite surprised to know that you had left us. No doubt she will be well pleased to have you back again, where you belong."

"I'm not sure about that," Frederick said. "I still do not think Bath and I will ever be comfortable together. But as Anne is here, at least in the moment, we will tolerate one another until such time as we are allowed, again, to part." He noticed a shadow cross his sister's face. "What's the matter, Sophy? Is not my news enough to cheer you?"

"Why, yes," she said, patting him gently on the hand. "I am delighted. And I am sure Anne will be too."

Her tone of voice didn't quite match her words, and she hesitated particularly over Anne's name, such that Frederick quite paused his meal to regard her carefully.

"What's the matter?" he asked.


"Come, you've never succeeded well with untruth. Let's have it. Are you questioning my wisdom in arranging this without Anne's knowledge, knowing her father's wishes are quite possibly against it? You fear my plan will backfire?"

"No." Sophia said. She glanced at her husband a moment before continuing. "I think - I think it will all be well, once you speak to Anne. Only..." She hesitated. "I think you ought to try to speak to her soon. Today."

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