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Jane POV

I walk to the throne room with my brother and the human behind me, I would love to see her face when the masters reject her,
I mean they would probably kill her because she knows about us,
But I Have a feeling my brother won't allow that, I step in the elevator and turn around and beckon the people in the I step in front of them I don't want to look at her, she embarrassed me by turning my power against me, I stalk down the hall and stop by the great double doors and motion for the human to stay where she is, I throw open the doors and step inside, I close the doors behind me and walk up to the three thrones and bow,
"Lords" I say
" spit it out already" caius hisses, Aro outstretches his hand towards his brother,
" let the girl speak brother" Aro says
" my lords, a human claims that she knows what we are and I used my power against her and she embarrassed me by turning it against me."I growl
" well well well, bring her in, bring her in" Aro exclaims, I bow and go to open the door, and the girl walks confidently into the throne room,
"Hello Aro" she says boldly
" ah Bella" he sys slowly and softly,
" I think you know why I'm here", she speaks bold but the masters  will soon put her down when they kill her,
" ah yes you wish to join the volturi"
She nods,
" well then you will be leader of the guard , when do you wish to change" Aro whispers in his melodic voice
"Uhh right now" she says
" and who do you wish to change you"
She ponders for a minute,
" jane"
I gasp I tried to kill her and she wants me to change her, she smiles at me and even though I try not to I smile back, I walk over to her and she whispers,
"I know we got off to a bad start but I hope we can be friends"
I grin at her,
" me too" I say before I sink my teeth into her neck and push my venom into her blood stream.

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