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Isn't even a word for what I'm feeling right now, it is unbearable, I can feel the venom liquidating and solidifying again and it burns, not like sticking your hand in the fire but like someone's pouring acid inside you, let's just say it hurts, I'm waiting here screaming as the venom attacks each organ and finally it attacks my heart, the pain is worse than all the rest of my organs I let out a blood curdling scream as the pain soars then it dies down leaving a horrible feeling in my throat, like I'd just drank a glass of fire, I open my eyes, I can see every single microscopic detail, I can see the condensation on the window above me, I can see each and every particle of dust floating about in the room, I sit up and get off the bed and look at myself in the mirror, my hair is longer, down to my waist, my lips are fuller, I am rounder in all the right places, but the thing that catches my attention are my eyes, blood red I just can't draw my gaze away from them, until someone knocks on my door,
" come in " I call listening to my voice that chimes like bells, the door opens and Felix walks in,
" we thought that you had changed cause we couldn't hear you scream " he says nervously, I grin and brush past him,
" can't keep them waiting can we" I say listening to my voice again.
We run down the hall and burst into the throne room where there was a trial taking place, oops
"Lord Aro" I say a smile on my lips
"Ah Bella, my dear, you woke up quicker than most" he claims
My eyes drift over to the man on the floor waiting to be killed, I smirk slowly and evilly and I launch myself at the rouge vampire, I do a back flip as I'm grabbing his head and it comes off with a sickening pop, I smile, then I notice the pain in my throat, my hand reaches up and covers my neck, Aro chuckles and motions for Heidi to bring in the humans, a group of teenagers walk in chatting and giggling, which is soon changed to screams as every vampire drains the blood from them, I wait until the other vampires have fed and they leave two teenagers, a boy and a girl I smile sadistically and walk up to them before sinking my teeth into their neck and drain every drop of blood from them. I feel a strange pull to Alec, Jane's twin I walk over to him and he wraps me in his arms,
"My Bella" he whispers in my ear then I realise I'm mated to him.

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