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6 months later

"uh Bella, do you know how were pregnant... We'll we need to go baby shopping" Rosalie says linking her arm through mine, I stare at her, "come again?" I say, swiping my hair out of my face with my free hand, "we need to go baby shopping" she says, I raise my eyebrow, "why?", her eyes widen, "Bella, we're vampires, pregnant vampires no doubt, and none of us have anything in for then" she rants, i roll my eyes, "fine, but were taking my jeep" i say grabbing the keys, she jumps up and down, supporting her stomach, "oh we should get the boys to come with us" she says, i tilt my head back, "ALEC, WE'RE GOING SHOPPING" i yell, after a minute i hear his fast steps, and he appears in the doorway, "hey love" he says, i roll my eyes, "scrap that ladies, get your own ride" i say, running vampire speed to,the garage and jumping into the drivers seat, "i don't think you should.drive love" Alec says climbing in beside me, i glare at him, and twist my body around to peer out of the back window as i reverse, i see rosalie, Alice, and esme running out after me, "Bella wait!" Alice calls, i slam my foot on the breaks and, and roll my window down, "what?" I snap, she smiles, "your jeep is the biggest, i mean how are we gonna get all the stuff we buy into our cars?" I take a deep breath, "get in, but keep quiet!" I say, pulling the hand break, they squeal and jump in the back, and bottle each other, "where's the guys?" I ask, they grin, "they're gonna meet us down there" rose says gripping the support, and smiling, i nod and fully reverse out of the garage and slam my foot on the accelerator and change the gear, and esme, gasp, and puts her hands on the roof, and Alice grabs the support on the other side, i tear down the four mile driveway and the guards open the gates in time as we fly out of castle grounds and I not the village of volterra, after a couple of minutes i pull up in the parking lot, and jump out of the jeep, and the others follow suit, i click the keys and it locks, "essentials first, wait!" I say, and i press my hand rose' swollen stomach, i concentrate and a pink glow envelopes her, "girl", i say and place my hands on esme', a pale blue, she grins and Alice skips forward, and i place my hand, on her belly, and concentrate, nothing, i place both hands on, and concentrate, a sharp stinging in my palm and two colours circle her, blue and pink, "twins, boy and girl" i day, and step back, and Alecs arm circles my waist, "what about you darling?" He asks, i shrug, "i don't know, rose" i say, beckoning her over, she skips over "yeah?" She asks, i place my hand on her arm and transfer some power over to her, she gasps, "now place your hand on my belly and tell me what colour envelopes me" i say, standing still, "pink" she says, i nod, "thanks" i say walking to the door, as boys car pulls up, and Carlisle, Emmet, and Jasper, hop out, "how's, my favourite ladies?" Emmet booms, i roll my eyes, and stalk to the baby department store, and push open the door and walk to the cribs, i pick out a black one and Alec places it in the trolley, i nod and grab a luxury mattress, and drop that in, then i walk to the sheets and pull out a nice lilac coloured set, and a lilac purple princess net, and place them in, and i walk in the direction of clothes, and grab three of each girl one there, and drop them in the trolley, and i also grab a black high chair with lilac cushioning, and and black swinging crib with lavender sheets, and i walk to the toy part and pile all the different the white, purple, pink and black teddies and i walk back the ways we came and look the the chests of drawers and finally find a black set, with purple handles, and i get Alec to place that in, and after an hour of shopping we finally push the trolley to the counter to see that Alice, rose, and esme, are all lingering outside with their trolleys already done with their shopping, i turn back to the woman as the rings up the crib, and see her glaring at me, i frown, and tap into her mind, pompous bloody royalty, think they can come in here and bleed me dry, buying all my things, there's more than just them, mind you, this one is nice, i wouldn't mind having him in- i pull out of her mind, and shake my head, as she rings up the last item, "84:96" she says placing them into an outside trolley, i grab a roll of money from my pocket and pull out ninety euros, and push them across the counter, "here darling, keep the change, you'll need it if you want to catch my mans eye" i say sweetly, but evilly, and slam my fists into the trolley and push it aggressively towards the exit, slamming the doors open and shoving the trolley to the jeep, and piling everything into the trunk, and climbing into the drivers seat and revving the engine as Alec and the girls clamber in, and speed back towards the castle, as fast as i can drive, and we reach the castle, i turn the engine off, Na lean my head against the wheel, as everyone climbs out and gets their stuff from the trunk and i open the door and slam it shut behind me, and open the trunk and wave the human servants over and have them carry them to the room next to mine, and look at my watch, and smirk, and run at vampire speed to the throne room, slowing down as i pass felix, "beat ya there" i yell as i run at human speed, he rolls his eyes, i burst into the room, and stand in front of the doors as they open, "welcome, people, to volterra, i trust you have had a pleasant time with us" i ask, i get a murmur of approval, and walk forward weaving inbetween them, and stopping at a rather tall man, with blonde hair, and a mean body, i run a finger down his neck, and step behind him, "its a shame i can't keep you" i whisper into his ear, he shivers and turns his to me, i smirk, and run my finger along his back, as screams echo around us, his eyes wide with fear, "what are you?" He croaks, i tilt my head to the side, "darling" i say pausing walking slowly up to him, and burying my face in his neck before lifting my mouth to his ear, "I'm your worst nightmare" i say, pulling my head back and digging my teeth into his neck slowly draining the life out of him.

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