Chapter 1: Their meeting

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*the concept of the world in this story is similar to the image above. it's also kinda big hero six's world. you get me?

On one oh-so-ordinary day here in the Ignis Research Centre, one particular professor was walking down the hall to the test grounds...

With her head bobbing to the beat of the music she's listening, she entered the test grounds but was stopped by a looming black figure. Her eyes went wide from shock but then turned to recognition.

"To whom do I owe the pleasure of meeting the infamous military general, Jarvis Altoire?" Said the woman.

 " You still remember your father's promise?" Jarvis ask. 

"What promise?" snorted the woman.

" Don't pretend you don't remember because I'm going to have you fulfill that promise"

"......At what cost?"



Remind me why I have to do this again..... 

Reena sigh for the Nth time that day. Going to the Ignis's Military Department is always such a drag. The people there always think they're above others.

  Yeah well, even I can kill someone with a gun, you pigheads! Well, whatever Reena, just get it over and done with already. Then you can binge watch all the Harry Potter movies!

Reena walked faster towards her direction, gaining more motivation. Get it over and done with, get it over and done with. As she reached the Military General's office, knock once and barged in, she was met with an icy cold glare from a pare of violet eyes.

" Ah, welcome Professor Montiago. I believe you've brought what I asked for?" Ask the military general, Jarvis Altoire. An old guy around his fifties, who's sitting on a big ass chair. He's the respected general whom everyone in the military worship. He's revered as this country's war god. Everyone's always rendered silence by his presence. Well, except Reena.

"Sup' old man. Here ya go." She walked past the younger guy with violet eyes and threw the folder she was holding on to General Altoire's table." Can I ask again why I have to drag my ass all the way here to give you this folder? Oh wait, I know! It's cuz you want to introduce me to your son. Well, guess what? The engagement is cancelled!"

" Now, now Professor. You can't just say no like that and you know it. Let's just consider the odds here. Let me introduce my son-"

" I know who he is already. This is just a waste of time, plus Harry Potter is waiting for me, so buhbye!" As soon as Reena turned around to dash out she was blocked by the guy with violet eyes, General Altoire's son, Reza Altoire.

" Professor Montiago, let me ask you out for a drink first and discuss this matter. You don't want to regret this decision, don't you?" asked Reza

" Nope. Not regretting a thing. Just regretting my time wasted on you people." Reena retorted.

" Ahem~ Professor, might I remind you of a certain promise?" said the smiling general.

Reena sigh audibly and closed her eyes. Shit, these people and their cunning ways!

" Alright! Fine! Pick me up at 10. The research dept. I'm tired of playing this game. Now if you'll excuse me, there are more pressing matters for me to take care of! Adios!" Reena gave in and practically crashed out the door.


" So, that's her. She looks like a handful." said Reza, seemingly unfazed.

" Just like her father." said the general while flipping through the folder Reena brought for him.

" General, you really do want me to do this?" As Reza questions his father, his eyes showed a spark of uncertainty. Something that always happen when he wants his father's approval.

" Yes, of course. Besides, it's not like you just met. Now get back to your post and make sure this engagement happens at all cost" said General Altoire with underlying tension that only Reza understands what it means.


Hey guys!

I want to thank you for picking up my work. please give me some comments and tips. I'll post a few pics of characters because this story will have lots of them! Hot Bishies!

Stay tune for more updates!

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