Chapter 2: Their discussion

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*This is Reza ( this is the closest image of Reza I could find

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*This is Reza ( this is the closest image of Reza I could find. oh I wish I was good in drawing!)

Captain Reza Altoire, the famous captain of the East Division, the son of the Military Hero, General Jarvis Altoire and what many women refer to as the Ice Prince. Yup, that's him. A favourably high spec character. As his nickname implies, he's cold and ruthless with a no-nonsense attitude. That's why when he said he has a date that night, the whole Pheonix platoon stood stock still.

He has a what?! Thought everyone in the Operations Room

" Sorry there captain, didn't hear ya. Did you say you have a date tonight?" asked the vice-captain, Reza's oldest friend, Jeff Ortiga.

" Yes, I do have a date. That's why I'm putting you in-charge of the new recruits." Reza answered with the same stone cold face and not a hint of excitement. Well, nothing's new there. As soon as he said that, Jeff couldn't help but sneak a glance at Eliza, the only female member of the Pheonix platoon. She was quiet, which was nothing new but Jeff knows better. He's been friends with both of them since military academy, so reading there faces comes naturally to him. Right now, he knows Eliza is taking this news harder than anyone.

" What kind of girl is she, captain?" the moment those words came out of their youngest member, Dean, Jeff felt like smacking him in the head. Stupid brat! Can't you even tell the mood!? Well, it wasn't his fault entirely. The whole platoon seems to be interested as well.

"Well, you'll get a chance to meet her soon enough." replied Reza before going out of the room. Huh!? For starters, the captain has always been a mysterious guy. Sometimes even Jeff and Eliza couldn't figure him out so they all decided to wait until everything is official rather than snooping in on his affairs. If they don't, they'll just end up misunderstanding things.


This wasn't suppose to happen. Whatever happens this engagement can't continue. Reena said this as she vent out her anger through killing zombies as she played Left 4 Dead. It might be the 23nd century but she still find these old games enjoyable. AHHHH!!! I 'm gonna fucking kill you!!!

"Whoa... someones mad." said Reena's best friend, Mako, who is also one of the researcher working in the Ignis Research Department. Mako Tooru is a bespectacled japanese who specializes in chemical weaponry. Being Reena's longest friend makes her somehow immune to Reena's antics. Sometimes. "What's wrong, Reena dear?"

"Nothing much. I just have a date with my fiancee tonight" Reena shrugged.

"Owh...I see. That's ni-wait what?! You have a fiancee? Who?!" Mako was so shocked she almost drop the coffee cup she was holding." This is the first time I'm hearing about this! You never went out!"

" A. I do go out sometimes and B. His just someone I've been engaged to since childhood, so I don't get much choice in that." Reena explained

" An arranged marriage?! But this is the 23nd century, who still does that?"

" My family does and all the other aristocrats or important people on earth. It's a very practical way to ensure the talent or the family genes stay pure. Or that's what they said." Reena rolled her eyes and continued playing the game.

" So when's the date?"

" At ten."

" But its already 10.30?"

" I like to be fashionably late."

" Unbelievable!"


Reza waited for almost an hour outside the research dept. and there's still no sign of her anywhere. He especially came there early. Huh... I knew she would do this. Its just her way of showing her disapproval. Well, whatever. If it wasn't for father, I wouldn't marry that type of girl anyway. I just need to sort out the terms with her and we could at least have an agreeable marriage.

" Hey, sup' sorry I'm late. Had things to do." and zombies to kill. Reena said while heading straight towards Reza and his hover.

" Don't worry. I wasn't waiting too long." only an hour or so. Reza opened the door to his hover for Reena and they both rode off.

" So where to? Do you even know a place to get drinks?" Reena gave a sideway glance towards the disciplinarian captain. Reza knew what it meant. Reena must think that a guy like him mustn't have any nightlife experience but he was about to prove her wrong.

" I do know a place and we'll be able to discuss our terms there, peacefully"

"Oookay, whatever you say captain"

" That's a good start."

" A what? what do you mean?"

" You obeying me."

Reena stared at him for a while. who knew this guy had a sense of humour. She burst out laughing and Reza just look bewildered. What did I say?


After a few minutes they arrived at a side pub. Hmm, not too bad. Reena was quite impressed that the strict captain actually knew a good place. As Reza took her inside, he waved at the bartender and lead her to the farthest table inside. The pub had a nice vibe and its not one of those crazy loud ones that Reena hates. It seems like a place where you can relax and unwind with a nice glass of beer.

" Nice place. Never knew you had a hideout too"

" A hideout?"

" Yeah. A place where you get away from society for a while and contemplate about life."

" Huh" was all she got from Reza and their conversation died down. After ordering two glasses of beers, Reena went straight to business.

" Look, I know Altoire Senior put you up to this but you seriously didn't need to do it. Besides, I won't be your fiancee anyways."

" You still think my father is going to let you get away with that?"

" I don't think, I know."

" Well, I know my father better and I know why you're actually holding back on cancelling the engagement all out."

" Did he tell you anything?"

" Not specifically but I get the general idea. So in order for us to get through this with the best possible solution is if we make a deal" As Reza said that their beers arrive and he took a sip of his.

" A deal? and how is that going to help?"

" What's your main reason for refusing this engagement?"

" Well, I don't want to be tied down. I'm still young, let me live a little."

" That means you hate the responsibility that comes with the marriage. So, why don't we just go along with my father's plan but have our own personal condition." As he said that something clicked in her brain.

" Hmmm...not a bad idea. I kinda like it. If its like this then he wouldn't threaten me so much and I could do my job! Nice one junior!"

" Well then, state your terms." With that the problems they both have are solved.

For now.

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