Chapter 6: Their circumstances

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*The image above is how I imagined Reza (silver hair) and Jeff (black hair). Both characters are from the anime and manga, 07-Ghost.


The sound of metals clanking. The putrid smell of rotting flesh. Blood everywhere. A lone figure standing in the middle of the room.

"Hmmm...You know what? I think I finally did it." That man marveled at his latest creation. 

"What do you think, honey? I really did it this time, right?" He turned around, arms outstretched, addressing a body in cyrogenic sleep.



Yesterday's meeting had created major changes in the government's activities. Information has also spread to other nations. The Worldwide Conference was rescheduled and set in a fortnight. The annual diplomacy event has become more tense than ever. 

There are more and they're coming, that was what she said. A wildfire statement but the person herself seems oblivious to the effects of her own words. That person is now sitting idly in front of General Altoire.

"What are you plotting, Professor?" The general got straight to the point.

"Nothing much really. I just like to make surprises." She replied with an 'oh-so-innocent' smile.

"I'm starting to think that this is some sort of revenge plan you're plotting here."

"Come on, I'm not a kid anymore. I don't make the world stand on its edge for some silly revenge. You know me better than that."

"You're as hard to read as your father was." Reena froze at that statement. Her face lost all sense of playfulness she had a moment ago. General Altoire smirked at her reaction. Satisfied that she looks serious for once.

"I'm surprised you still react like that." 

"You should be more surprised about other things." she replied nonchalantly.

"Then, tell me. What are you planning?"

"It won't be as much fun if someone else knew my plans, so sorry Senior, you're not that special enough for me to disclose anything. Just be patient like everybody else." 

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. The person announced himself. It was Reza. He entered the room and bow in front of the General. He noticed Reena and also bowed to her as well. All perfect, All protocol.

I have a bad feeling about this, she looked at Reza then back towards his father. 

"I heard the date was a success. I'm glad both of you could get along with each other."

"Well, we barely see each other outside of these trysts we're always having, so yeah, we get along."

"Exactly. That is why I'm thinking about asking you both to take your relationship a step further."

oh no, here it comes...

"As per tradition, the welcoming ball will be held a day before the actual conference starts. I want you to announce your engagement there."

"What?! Don't we have other pressing matters to attend to than some fancy schamcy party? Even worse, we have to tell everyone about our engagement? God, that's embarrassing!" Reena visibly winced at the general's request and looked over at Reza to see his reaction. Nothing. No surprise there.

"Relax, professor. I won't ask you to do something dramatic. I just want both of you to attend the ball together as a couple. Understand?"

"Yes, sir." was all Reza said.

"Why even have a ball to begin with? You know, with imminent danger and all."

"The welcoming ball is not just a tradition but also a bridge for other nations to communicate in a peaceful environment. It's also a way for the world leaders to avoid any unrest among their people. No use to add fuel to an already roaring fire."

"Fine then, whatever floats your boat." With that, Reena stood and left the room, claiming she had to get her things ready for the conference.


As Reza entered the simulation's control room, he was greeted by his friend and second-in-command, Jeff.

"Got called by the general again, huh." Jeff started while his eyes never left the screen. A training was in session. The new recruits are training in an old-fashioned battlefield, fighting off ancient Nazis.

"Yeah." said Reza. Jeff spared a glance towards his friend. Since he knew Reza and his minimal communication skills, he had to take charge.

"He's been calling on you a lot lately. What is he planning to do?"

"Unfortunately, I cannot disclose any information." 

"Seriously?! That's cold, man. I'm your friend right?" Jeff chuckled lightly but that didn't faze Reza at all. Both of them were silent for a while. Jeff decided to change the topic.

"I heard that everyone is panicking over what that scientist said yesterday. Enough to rescheduled the whole conference. Man, I wished I could see her but we couldn't attend the meeting. What kind of person is that scientist anyway?"

It took quite a while before Reza could reply to that question.

"She was.....interesting, to say the least."

Jeff was surprised to hear the hesitation in Reza's voice.

"Well, I look forward to meet her at the conference or better yet, I could meet her at the ball." Jeff was trying to poke around Reza with this statement but he just kept quiet.

"Speaking of the ball, are you gonna take Eliza as your date?"

"No, I already have one." Jeff was surprised a second time that day but did't have a chance to ask him when Reza called for the training to end. It seems like they newbies made a mistake. Thus, the subject was never brought up again.

Yes! An update!

Sorry it took awhile but a lot of things came up. Anyway, a special shout out to my friend, @girlsontop for her wonderful comments. I hope you'll enjoy this short chapter!

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2017 ⏰

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