Chapter 5: Their intentions

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After all the commotion of the unidentified being's attack, each nation is holding its own conference to discuss the matter and to find out the source of the chaos and what saved us from it. Although the attack was on Aqua, it still means that other nations will be under attack as well. After seeing the damages and casualties caused by such an attack, everyone around the world is scared to death. This resulted in the tense atmosphere in the Ignis Main Government's meeting room.  The room is filled with high government officials including scientist and weapons experts. Everybody seems to be shouting at each other at the same time while few of them are even listening to the other.

Being one of the leading figures in the military, Captain Reza Altoire is also present in the meeting. He leaned back in his chair while he observes the chaos in front of him. This is a waste of time, he thought. He looked over the front of the room and saw his father, all calm and composed as usual. Reza couldn't help but think that he is up to something. Which he is. Most of the time. A few minutes passed and suddenly the door to the giant meeting room opened up to reveal a surprising newcomer that made Reza froze for a second. Only a second though because it was his own fiancee.

As Reena entered the room, everyone was quiet for a moment. Not only was she late but she waltz right into the meeting room without a care in the world. She didn't even noticed how everyone was staring at her as she chose one of the empty back seats, two rows away from the front table. Rena was settling in her seat when she saw their stares.

"What? Don't mind me. Continue on with your endless babbles that results in nothing. I'm just here to fill up the seats." Reena said while she looked all innocent.

"Excuse me miss, but who are you exactly?" Asks a potbellied minister.

Reena rolled her eyes and was about to answer him when a clear yet authoritative voice from the front of the room intervened.

"Well Mr. Yelvick, she is an important person who can help solve our problems. Ladies and gentlemen, this is Professor Serena Montiago from the research facility who is finally able to join us today. Thank you for coming, Professor." 

"Thank you for your warm welcome, General. Sorry for being late though. The coffee here is just awful so I went out to get some good ones and was caught in the morning traffic. It was just horrible. I feel so guilty." Reena said with her utterly sarcastic look.

One of the officials stood up and started shouting."You've got to be kidding me, General! We have an emergency situation here and we don't need some greenhorn science kid delay us any longer!"

"Well, we don't seem to need any help in wasting time now, do we?" General Altoire replied coolly.  With that the official sat down reluctantly. "You have the floor, Professor." The general looked at her pointedly.

Reza has never seen her talk in front of an audience before so he didn't know whether his father was actually helping her or challenging her. Nevertheless, Reena just sigh audibly and laid out a small metallic briefcase on her lap. She opens it and four small droids the size of a baby's fist flies out, positioning themselves above four corners in the middle of the room. Everyone was surprised by that, even the guards were alert.

"Relax guys, I like to bring my own portable projector. It's more dramatic that way." was all she said as she made her way from her seat to the center of the room. " I am! The best seat in the room! Let's get started shall we." Reena could hear some of them snort at her childish behavior but she doesn't blame them. If she was sane she would too. IF.

Reena took out her work pad and flick it slightly. "Good morning Lela. Yesterday's report please." A female robotic voice started to list down all that happened yesterday together with 3D image projection. 

"We are all well aware of what happened yesterday, Professor. We don't need your summary on it." said the same potbellied minister. 

"Of course, Mr. Yelch....something. But point is, this is not a summary. This is a reminder. A reminder that we are not alone in this universe." Everyone was quiet at that statement until Reena burst out laughing.

"HAH! Gotcha! I didn't know it would even work. I'm just kidding guys. This "Extraterrestrial being" is 100% man-made."Then the room exploded.





Even Reza was surprised by this statement. Only the General leaned back in his chair, relaxed. Reena, on the other hand, was eyeing the general as if to seek confirmation of some sort. After awhile, she continued.

"Enough freaking out now people. I've got other shocking news. The beam of light from the sky that disintegrated the monster you saw, that was from a satellite."

"A satellite? Whose? Do you even have any basis for these claims?" This time it came from one of the scientist. The head of the research dept.

"well, for the time being, I will not tell you anything else about the satellite but I can assure you it's not owned by any nation. It's from a private satellite. Annnnddd.....That's all I guess. Lela pack up please." She ended the discussion just like how she started it. With a surprise and a flick of her hand.

"That's all?! You came to drop this...this bomb on us and leave just like that?! What's the meaning of this Professor?!"

All the while, Reza has been observing her reactions and he instantly noted the slight glint in her eyes as she smiled at the crowd. She picked her small suitcase up, opened it to let the drones settle in. After she closed it, the room was strangely quiet.

"Oh,I'm not leaving you with that bomb. I'm leaving you with this. The monster you saw terrorizing Aqua's capital was just a test run. Believe me, there are more. And they're coming to attack us SOON." Then, Reena left the room like nothing happened.


Again, thank you for reading my work and I hope you can give me any comments or suggestions. Honestly I wanted to finish this on my birthday but yeah....I was kinda busy. Special shout out to my dear friend Lela_Rentaka!

P/S: Yes, the monster picture is from Pacific Rim.

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