Chapter 3: Junko?

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Akuma: This is a little bit after the Gaara rescue mission starts. I'm sorry, okay, but I need to move a little faster if I want to get to a certain situation by somewhere around chapter seven.

Junko POV

Nyato was with his precious 'Kitty' in the infirmary, while Blondie and his friends went to save Gaara. I don't really get the big deal though, why would anyone want to save a Jinchuuriki? I mean if it was Nyato or Nyuu going after Blondie I could understand. That's different though. Isn't it?

I poked my head in the window of the infirmary, why does Nyato care about that stupid makeup wearing guy? Nyato is my friend and that guy is just gonna hurt him. . . Right? Yeah, definitely. I mean he's gonna reject Nyato eventually and that'll break Nyato's fragile little heart. I may not be Nyuu, but someone has to protect Nyato while she's gone.

I sighed before climbing to the top of the building. Kankuro may be the one of the few people that could convince Nyato to leave. Nyato, The Akatsuki's Prince, leave? That couldn't possibly happen, right? Besides, until Nyuu and Blondie, the Akatsuki was his family. He wouldn't betray his family, right?

I'm overthinking this. I need to stop worrying. Besides, once Shukaku is extracted, Blondie will go ballistic and try to kill Deidara or Sasori. If he doesn't manage to kill one of them, that should snap Nyato back to reality. These guys are our enemies, we can't get close to any of them. Especially, the Jinchuuirikis.

I felt a small smile tug at my lips. Everything is going to be A-Okay.

Time Skip

They actually managed to get Gaara back. I guess I underestimated them. It's not like they can bring him back to life though, right? Nyato came running up to the sorta crowd of people with Kaede and Lucy, two people who should not be here. Lucy, of course he got her, he knows she can restart Red's heart. Greeeeeeat.

Oh come on! That old bag had already revived the brat. First, they kill Sasori, then this! We just can't win today. Ugh, talk about a lot of work for me. . . Blondie and the other Leaf Village ninjas, whose names I don't care about, are going to leave soon. I felt a small smile tug at my lips again, maybe we might get a win after all.

". . . You brought me here for nothing?" Lucy growled, clearly annoyed.

Uh-oh. Lucy pulled out a scroll, when she opened it she had a giant hammer in her hand. She swung her hammer towards Nyato, who just floated out of the way. Lucy hates Nyato with a passion, her goal is to surpass him.

Nyato sighed and pulled out a few knives. The knives floated out of his hands and were floating around him. Lucy growled, "You always fight from a distance. If you got stuck in hand to hand combat, you'd lose."

"Then I suppose I have to stay a good distance away from you, huh?" Nyato said, with his usual childish grin.

"Guys stop," Kaede said.

"Not until I beat him," Lucy growled. These guys are immature children. Two knives flew at Lucy, who easily dodged them. A knife was launched at her from behind and she moved out of the way in the nick of time, but it did manage to cut her arm. Lucy glared at Nyato and Nyato smiled.

The knife that had cut Lucy's arm was floating right next to Nyato. The blood that was on the blade suddenly, shot out as a spike and cut Nyato's cheek. He smiled and Lucy smirked.

Lucy was about to attack Nyato again, but I decided to step in. "Knock it off," I said with a sigh. Lucy glared at Nyato and he sighed.

"Alright, sorry," Nyato said with a grin. He floated to the ground and he redirected his attention to Naruto and the others. Lucy swung her hammer at him, when he turned his back on her. 

"You're dead!!!" Lucy shouted.

Before Lucy's hammer hit could Nyato, Kaede blocked it.

"Lucy, seriously, stop it," Kaede said. Lucy sighed and sealed her scroll away before Kaede grinned at her. "Good."

Lucy glanced at Nyato, who had somehow managed to steal Kankuro's gloves, "One these days, I'll beat you."

"I'm looking forward to seeing you try," Nyato said as he turned to grin at the blond girl. 

"You're nothing more than a brat! You only got to where you are by chance!" Lucy snapped pointing at Nyato accusingly. She can be annoying sometimes. 

"If I got to where I am by chance alone, then how can I beat you?" Nyato asked in a surprisingly calm voice.

"That doesn't matter, you're the Akatsuki's Prince! Besides, why would you help the people that killed Sasori?!?! Did you ever even care about him?!" Lucy shouted and Nyato's smile fell.

"Huh? Sasori's dead?"

"Yeah, Nyato, he is," I spoke up. Nyato stared at me for a second, in disbelief. He looked down for a second, but when he raised his head there was a grin on his face. 

"Nyato," I mumbled.

"Hey, Nyato, I got a question," Blondie spoke up.

"Huh? Yeah, what is it?"

"Where's Nyuu?"

"Naruto, Nyuu's gone," Nyato sighed.

Akuma: Heyo, sorry, the chapter isn't the best. I'm trying okay! Anyways, thanks to everyone who reads this and all the lovely commenters. (The readers are lovely as well.) Bye~

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