7. Prayer

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Prayer has always been an interesting thing to me. People all around the world do it. We pray over our food. We pray for our pets. Some of us also pray over the occasional sports teams that plays. Most of all, people usually pray for things they want. Prayer isn't about asking what you want and God gives it to you wrapped in a pretty bow. No! NO....NO...NO! If you think that, well all I can say is get that thought out of your head right now because that's not the reason why we have prayer. Not at all!

What is Prayer?

So what is prayer? Prayer is how we communicate, worship, and seek God. Prayer is one of the things that helps us grow in our relationship with God. We can talk to him as if our friends or family is there with us. Think of it like this, you and Christ are talking through walkies-talkies. Prayer is very easy to do, but to some it's like the most hardest thing they've ever done.

Some people in the world think that talking to God can be very intimidating. People sometimes overthink prayer by making it too elaborate and fancy because they worry that it's not good enough for Christ. Prayer is very simple. Just say what you have to to say and that's it. Don't go all out by saying " Oh thou Mighty, holy God, my beginning and thy end," before you actually get to what you're wanting to talk to God about. Instead use, " Dear heavenly father," or maybe just, " Dear God,".

What Prayer Is and Isn't:

Now that we have a clearer picture of what prayer is, it may or can be tempting to think prayer as a think to get your wants and more. We tend to take the definition of prayer and twist it like a dirty dish rag. But first let's take a brief look at what prayer is not (this is only a small fraction from a exhaustive list) ans what prayer is:

Prayer is not magic. We cannot summon God as though is He is a genie, waiting to grant us our wishes without regard for our circumstances and the consequences.

Prayer does not make demands. We can make requests to God. But we can never demand God of something because he rules over us not us over him.

Prayer is for our benefit, not God's. We need a relationship with God, available to us through Jesus Christ and engaged primarily through prayer, because we were made to function best when we are in a proper relationship with our Creator.

Prayer is not a guarantee against suffering. "In this world you will have trouble" (John 16:33); "Dear friends, do not be surprised at the painful trial you are suffering, as though something strange were happening to you. But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed" (1 Peter 4:12-13).

Prayer is not an opportunity for us to show off. " Back when I said not to make prayer too elaborate and fancy. Just get to the point and make it simple as if you're really talking to your best friends at school.

As we journey together in understanding the purpose of prayer, it is my prayer that God will bless these words and instill a joyful and fruitful prayer life in your life and mine, and in everyone else's. Prayer can make a really big difference in our world and in our lives. But it is up to us to offer our prayers humbly and regularly. Plus if you have anything that you need prayer for just message me and I will. That's a promise.

                                                                                     ~ Vexella

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