Stormy Weather Part 1

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"Welcome to the finals of our KIDS+ competition! Today one of our finals will be announced as our new KIDS+ weather girl!" the host, Alex Cataldi announced.

The limo opens to reveal the two finalists walking on the red carpet with the crowd cheering and taking photos. One of the finalists, Aurore Beaureal was waving to the fans with a confident smile on her face while Mireille Caquet was waving shyly.

"We started off with five thousand contestants and with the help of our audience back home, we rooted our talent down to just these two amazing young ladies! So let's welcome our fantastic finalists. To my right, Aurore Beaureal and on my left, Mireille Caquet. Who will be the lucky winner? Vote now! Take one for Aurore and two for Mireille and remember standard text messages apply!"

Meanwhile, back at Adrien's home, Adrien was babysitting a little boy named, Armand. Well, he was more of trying to get him to stay still. He was chasing after the little boy who was running around crazy with Adrien's camera.

"Come on, Armand! Give that back!" Adrien pleaded, running after him.

A smiling Armand stopped running and stood on top of the couch cushions with the camera still in his hands.

"But I wanna be a photographer too!" Armand stated with a smile.

And just when Adrien thought he got him, Armand moved out of the way, causing Adrien to miss as he landed his head first on the couch. But luckily, the couch cushions comfort his head. He stood up and continued to look for the child and his camera, but they both were no where to be found.

"Armand, please give it back. It's my new camera." Adrien pleaded again as he continued looking for Armand.

A light laugh was heard from under the table. Adrien smiled to himself that he finally found Armand. But he underestimated the boy's speed because as soon as Adrien went under the table and tried to reach out for Armand, Armand already ran out, causing Adrien to hit his head under the table. Adrien groaned and rubbed his head to ease the pain.

Adrien got up, away from the table, and walked around to continue looking for Armand until he heard faint giggling. He looked around from the direction of the noise. He couldn't help but smile and let out a slight laugh when he saw the curtains look as it someone was hiding behind it.

He quietly made his way towards the curtains.

"Gotcha!" but as soon as he opened it, there was nothing but an action figure with his camera next to it.

Adrien had a nervous look. He found the camera, but not Armand. He began to grow worried until he heard Armand's voice behind him.

"I'm going to vote for Mireille. She's cool!"

Adrien turned his head to see Armand standing in front of the TV that was on the KIDS+ channel while on Adrien's cellphone.

Adrien walked behind the little boy with his camera in one of his hands.

"Hey my phone." Adrien said, grabbing his phone back with his other hand.

Armand grabbed the camera back from Adrien and ran off laughing in glee. Adrien responded with a frustrated groan and took a deep breath.

He didn't get it. He fights villains, saves the day, and still manages to go to school and help his parents at the bakery. But he couldn't handle a little kid.

"Ugh. Why did I agree to do this again?" Adrien said to himself.

And right on cue, Plagg popped his head out of Adrien's over-shirt.

"Uh, because you couldn't say no?" Plagg said with a hint of tease in his voice.

Adrien rolled his eyes at his kwami.

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