Evillustrator Part 1

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Late at night, at College Francoise Dupont, Marinette was running as fast as she could, pleading for help.

Who was she exactly running from? Stormy Weather.

She continued running until she runs into Lady Wifi, who puts a pink pause symbol on her and Stormy Weather freezes the defenseless girl with her parasol. The two villains smiled at their success until a certain superhero came to the rescue and erases Stormy Weather's parasol. He traps the two villains in the cage he drew and erases the ice block that trapped Marinette in.

Marinette smiled and ran over to her artist themed hero.

"Oh Super Nathan, you're my hero!" Marinette swooned, hugging the artist, who gladly hugged her back.

"It was nothing." Super Nathan smiled.

"I love you." The grateful model smiled lovingly.

"I love you too, Marinette."

"Nathaniel!" Ms. Mendeleiev spoke, slamming her hand on Nathaniel's table, waking him up from his dream.

"What are you drawing?" The teacher asked with anger in her voice.

"Wha- Wha-" Nathaniel stammered, trying to think of an answer.

"And these artistic endeavors are clearly why you are failing science." Ms. Medeleiev added.

"I'm sorry." Nathaniel apologized.

"You go march yourself down to the principal's office and show him that chicken scratch!" The teacher yelled, pointing at the door. "Then you'll be really sorry!"

Nathaniel packed up him stuff and headed towards the door until he accidentally tripped over Marinette's bag, dropping his sketchbook in the process.

Chloe noticed and picked it up to see a certain page opened, and decided it was time to taunt the redhead.

"Ooh! Look, Sabrina! It's him as a superhero! And look who he's saving! It's Marinette!"

"Uh -" Marinette said but was interrupted by Chloe.

"He's totally crushing on you, Marinette. I feel so sorry for you. But then again, being a model and all, you must have so many unwanted admirers."

"Gimme that!" Nathaniel yelled, ripping his sketchbook away from Chloe, but she still held on to the picture of him and Marinette together as he ripped it away from her.

"Enough! Nathaniel, go!" The teacher ordered and an embarrassed Nathaniel walked out.

Marinette smiled sadly at Nathaniel as he made eye contact with her. But when the red head walked out, he was to embarrassed to notice Adrien's deadly glare and growl.

How dare Nathaniel draw him with his girl like that! Who did he think he was!? Drawing his Marinette with someone in a romantic way with anyone but Adrien himself. Though, she technically wasn't his and he had no right to think or say as if she was some kind of property no matter if they were dating or not. But still, the thought of anyone else with Marinette made him very angry.

"Uh, dude? You okay?" Nino, who was sitting next to him, asked.

"Just peachy, why?"

"Cause you kind of just broke your pencil." Nino responded.

Adrien looked at his clenched fists to see that Nino was right. He could see both ends of his now broken pencil in each hand. He was so angry that he didn't even notice.

Nino smiled in amusement.

"Jealous much?"

Meanwhile, Nathaniel was making his way towards the principal's office, completely embarrassed now that everyone, even Marinette, knew about his crush on the young bluebell eyed model.

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